
Hub remote spawning of UI Servers

The Cylc Hub is an unmodified Jupyter Hub. For those who don’t know, Jupyter Hub runs with elevated privileged (eg root or as a user using sudo access - Jupyter Hub runs Jupyter notebook servers as real system users on a shared system, and thus needs to be able to spawn processes as those other users. Jupyter Notebooks exist to allow system users to write (and share) arbitrary python into a web interface and execute it in a sandbox on the server hosting the notebook. A lot of work has been done to ensure that the code users write is self-contained and unable to break out of its sandbox, and that the Hub is as unassailable as possible.

In the default Cylc-8 architecture, the Hub runs as a privileged user and spawns cylc UI Servers when required in the same way as Notebooks are spawned. Like Jupyter Notebooks, the UI Servers will run as real system users and although they don’t exist to enable the composition of code, they enable code to be edited and executed as the real system user (who the UI Server is running as). The UI Server doesn’t grant the system user any additional access to the system than it already has.^

UI Servers should time out and die if no one is looking at them, and be respawned upon interaction. (This may require keep-alives being sent if a workflow is going to be kept open for a very long time in an inactive web browser tab/on a big screen with no interaction).

The primary focus of this discussion was that the Bureau has some concerns about running Jupyter Hub as a privileged user. As per the link above it’s possible to run with elevated, but not full privileges, but it is also possible (although not ideal) to run one UI Server per user. (This may remove access to gscan-like functionality*). We are likely to be breaking our own ground in this area.


^ - One of the key requirements of the UI Servers is to allow others users (who have appropriate authorisation) to act upon work flows owned by another user via acting on their UI Server.

E.g. I (jacintar) authenticate to the Hub, and want to interact with the atmosphere_stage user’s suites. The atmosphere_stage’s UI Server has timed out and died. My desire to interact it causes the Hub to spawn a UI Server owned by the atmosphere_stage user. Depending on my specific authorisations, I can then interact with the atmosphere_stage user’s work flows (starting, stopping, restarting, pausing and other interactions). All actions are carried out by the atmosphere_stage user, but I (jacintar) am causing them to happen. My actions are recorded eg “timestamp User jacintar stopped atmosphere_stage.suitename.task.cycle_point”.

Authorisation needs site, user and workflow config, with permissions over-ridden in that order. For example the site config might say that everyone has read and stop-start on all workflows by default. However a particular user might be more sensitive, and thus they might only allow read-only to a particular role and stop-start to no one but themselves and further this user may have a particular workflow that is so sensitive that only the owner can read it.

Roles could be defined by unix groups (which is what we do at the Bureau) or by LDAP groups.

Actions were nominally broken into three concepts.

Raising privileges to do more stuff

I proposed that authentication tokens (for non-development) should expire after a short period of time which was configurable. The others suggested that this wouldn’t work for operators who have workflow views open on big screens as something to keep an eye on, or in several tabs. I suggested that an alternative would be to have (subject to authorisation for any given user) user access be read-only by default. In order to interact with the suite (stop, start or hold tasks and workflows, perform edit-triggers) the user would have to turn on higher authorisations (by a toggle or similar) that would invalidate their current WSS session causing them to need to re-authenticate. This would then give them elevated privileges for a fixed time (perhaps 15 minutes) after which the session would silently down-grade itself back to read-only. This behaviour is the same as using sudo on a unix system or temporarily increasing privileges on OSX and Windows.

E.g. I (jacintar) authenticate to the Hub, and want to interact with the atmosphere_stage user’s suites. The atmosphere_stage’s UI Server has timed out and died. My desire to interact it causes the Hub to spawn a UI Server owned by the atmosphere_stage user. I am authorized to read, and execute the clouds and winds workflows. So I see both the clouds and winds workflows in the UI Server. I can watch them cycle, I can see their logs and outputs and their code. I want to stop the clouds.climb task. I toggle on execute permissions. My session is invalided and I have to re-authenticate. I re-authenticate and I now have execute permissions on both the clouds and winds workflows (as well as on any other user’s workflows I have the appropriate authorisation for). I stop the clouds.climb task. My action is recorded (see possible example below). I want to perform an edit trigger on the clouds.climb task to change what it will do before I restart it. I don’t have authorisation to perform an edit-trigger so the option isn’t even available to me. I restart the clouds.climb task.

See also

(Back-end) authentication between workflows and their jobs

Currently the workflow host generates keys for the job and sends the job those keys including its private key to the execution host it is about to run a job on. The suggestion is to have the workflow host generate its own public and private key, and send the job with a copy of the workflow’s public key, then the job creates its own public and private key and returns its job public key back to the workflow.

We discussed possible MITM and other attacks. We agreed that the main goal is that the goal is to not allow the job host any extra capacity to affect the workflow host than it would have if cylc was not being used. We can reduce this need by a. keeping workflow’s keys in-memory and never writing them to disk b. only allowing certain message types from jobs

c. maintaining the ssh connection (used to copy and deploy the job to the remote host) until the job’s keys have been generated and returned.

There remains a chance that a malicious job could overwrite the keys between generation and return…. however that would require the malicious job to be running with sufficient privileges that it could overwrite the behaviour of the job at any other time, and still sign things with the agreed public keys, so there’s no change in risk from this small window of attack versus the general timeframe of the running of that job.

Cylc-8 will be CurveZMQ for the messaging between jobs and their workflows. CurveMQ prevents replay-attacks and various other combinations of network capture and private key theft.

Cylc gscan

Cylc scan and gscan haven’t been solved yet. In cylc 7 these tools allow you to find out the statuses of all the currently executing workflows for your current host or all the hosts you’ve specified. This is performed by a port scan, but cylc-8 has a different set up. Cylc scan was a command line tool and gscan was a GUI equivalent.

Given UI Servers may not be running when they’re not in use, and given that

identifying stopped workflows is also not solved, obtaining the date for cylc-8 is more tricky. Having the hub have access to all the relevant information may solve this. Then (for gscan at least) a distinct UI can be crafted to display this information eg:


    Clouds  < status >
    Winds   < status >


    Waves < status >
    Currents < status >

Cylc-7 penetration test and Cylc 8 thread modelling


I’m also writing a document covering the security model in more detail which I’ll be sending through soon.

Cylc Review

This tool (previously called rose bush) takes cylc job, error and output logs (as well as some other files) and serves them as HTML.

At this point, the goal is to serve historical job logs via the cylc UI just as it will serve current job logs.

Scrolling back to a recently finished cycle point is easy, but I requested search functionality as well because scrolling back 3 or more months for a frequently cycling suite could be very unpleasant. I’m not sure this particular point was resolved. There was discussion about resurrecting cylc review functionality (it has currently been deleted from the repo) if search functionality is not provided.

Load balancing of UI Servers

We discussed that the ssh-spawner (used by the Hub to spawn the UI Servers) needs to handle load balancing for the situation where the UI Servers are not all running on the same server. There was a proposal to use the existing load balancing already written for cylc-flow and integrated it in with the spawners. A suggestion was made to make this a plugin so that others can also write their own remote spawner plugins.

Command Line Interface (CLI) versus UI Servers

See and Hilary’s day 1 notes.

Cylc scan (and related, cylc gscan) need to know which work flows are running. They’re going to leverage the UI Servers for this (but what if the UI Servers are inactive, and what about UI Servers on other hosts). Somewhat of an unfinished problem.

Spawn on Demand

Currently in cylc, a task spawns its own next-cycle successor when it is submitted. This means that both the task and its successor can run in parallel if dependencies are met, but you don’t get infinite many copies of those tasks. However this means that your workflow engine needs to have a pool containing at least one object per task. So if a suite has 1000 tasks, the workflow engine needs to have a minimum of 1000 objects. This also means that tasks cannot run out of order, which is bad if a task can run if ONE of its dependencies are met. Having tasks create their next task on submit means that tasks could have their dependencies met BUT not appear in the task pool because the previous task hasn’t yet been submitted.

This makes the successful submission of a previous task be a secret dependency of a task.

The new solution is spawn on demand. So a task essentially notifies tasks dependent on it that it’s complete. This way there is no “task pool” but instead only a collection of the currently running tasks and their children. The graph view then only needs to show this subset. (The full graph view will still exist, but not necessarily as a running view given large suites)

Spawn on demand is likely to reduce the number of objects held in memory by up to 90%, given their profiles of large MetOffice suites only having 10% of tasks actually active versus the rest waiting. This will improve runtime and reduce memory usage AND improve the performance of the GUI

But there are lots of things to still be sorted. Related: