
Creating a release for Cylc (old instructions)

Only use these instructions if you cannot use the automated release process for some reason.

Before you start (First time)

Create pre-release Pull requests

Test the build

   cd my/repository/

   # This may seem slow as this will build the wheel as well as the source
   # distributions
   python3 bdist_wheel sdist

   # check that you've successfully created wheel and source files
   ls dist/

   # Tidy up
   rm -r dist

Test the docs

For any projects which are auto-documented by cylc-doc, currently:

Ensure the docs build against master by manually triggering the test workflow in cylc-doc.

This will catch syntax errors, broken urls etc which need to be fixed prior to releasing the project.

Tag the version

    # Examine previous tags using
    git tag -ln

    # Create a new tag  "tag_name" is usually a version number.
    git tag -a -s <tag_name>

    # Push tags:
    git push --tags upstream <tag_name>

Create a release on Github

Upload build to PyPI

    # Build your distribution inside the repository folder this time
    cd my/repository

    # Create your build
    python3 bdist_wheel sdist

    # Check that the dist folder contains the right artifacts:
    ls dist/

    # Upload your build to PyPI. n.b. This will not work if your build has the
    # same version number as one already on PyPI.
    twine upload dist/*

Check PyPI for your upload.

Upload to Conda

See the current instructions.