
Getting Started with Cylc 8

Development Installation

Note: We recommend developing in a Conda environment as this provides a more standard setup though if you ensure the non-python dependencies are installed correctly you can bypass this.

  1. Install Conda Deps:

    The cylc-flow Conda dependencies are in the cylc-flow repository

    (note optional dependencies are commented out)

    Create a new Conda environment containing the cylc-flow deps (and configurable-http-proxy if working with JupyterHub):

    conda create -n cylc-8-dev python=3.7 configurable-http-proxy -f conda-environment.yml
  2. Install Python Projects

    Install cylc/cylc-flow and optionally:

    # clone the git repository locally then...
    pip install -e "path/to/repo[all]"
  3. Install cylc/cylc-ui.

    Note: We prefer yarn.

    cd path/to/cylc-ui
    yarn install
  4. Point Cylc Hub at your UI build

    The Cylc UI comes bundled with the UI Server.

    If you want to develop the UI you will need to point the UI Server at your local UI build:

    # ~/.cylc/hub/
    c.CylcUIServer.ui_build_dir = '~/cylc-ui/dist'  # path to build

    (see the cylc-uiserver README for more information)

  5. Build The UI

    yarn run build:watch

    (see the cylc-ui README for more information)

  6. Launch the UI

    # standalone
    cylc gui
    # via Jupyter Hub
    cylc hub
    # You will be asked to log in with your desktop credentials if you have not
    # done so before.

    (see the cylc-uiserver README for more information)

Running Your First Workflow

  1. Create a basic Cylc workflow:

    mkdir -p ~/cylc-run/foo
    cat > ~/cylc-run/foo/flow.cylc <<__HERE__
        # a cycling workflow where the cycles are numbered as integers
        cycling mode = integer
        initial cycle point = 1
            # tasks which run in each cycle until you stop the workflow
            P1 = """
                # a => b means "b should wait until a has run"
                # [-P1] means "from the previous cycle"
                b[-P1] => a => b => c
  2. Run the workflow:

    cylc play foo
  3. Watch it run on the CLI:

    cylc tui foo
  4. Stop it:

    (otherwise it will just keep running forever)

    cylc stop foo