
Running Cylc Tests

How to run tests

All tests are in the folder cylc-flow/tests. Instructions here, unless stated otherwise assume that you are working from your cylc-flow repo dir.

Test Type Command
Unit Tests pytest
Integration tests pytest tests/integration
Functional Tests etc/bin/run-functional-tests


Many tests rely on an alternative user config file called flow-tests.rc usually found at ~/.cylc/flow/<cylc-version>/flow-tests.rc. flow-tests.rc is used instead of flow.rc for tests.

Many tests (especially those which rely on non-local computers which vary from developer to developer) use the skip_all function from test_header and will return a message saying all tests have been skipped if the correct remote settings have not been included in flow-tests.rc.

You may find the following idiom useful in a flow-test.rc file:

# You only have to change 1 line:
{% set MYTESTBRANCH = False %}

{% if MYTESTBRANCH == True %}
         your = test branch
{% elif %}
         master = branch
{% endif %}

Debugging Pytests

You should first run tests in verbose mode using -vv.

If you wish to use breakpoint() to investigate failures then you will need to add the following to your pytest command pytest <path> --dist=no -n0 to turn off the test distribution mode.

Pytest’s own documetation is well worth a read:

A brief guide to debugging Rose & Cylc (functional) tests

Running a single test

You can run a single test using the following command:

cd ~/my/cylc/dev/copy

# run all the tests - this may take quite a long time

# run a folder of tests
etc/bin/ tests/functional/validate/

# run a single test
etc/bin/ tests/functional/validate/00-multi.t

# run a single test in verbose mode
etc/bin/ tests/functional/validate/00-multi.t -v

# maximum verbosity for supported tests
CYLC_TEST_DEBUG=true etc/bin/ tests/validate/00-multi.t -v


adding -v to the test command is recommended if you are dealing with a failing test.

Recording tests that fail

When running many tests you can record the tests that fail using --state=save. You can then re-run the only the failed tests using --state=failed.

For more details see man prove.

Understanding the tests

If a test is failing the first step is to look at its test file. All test files (should) contain:

  1. A description such as # Test validating simple multi-inheritance suites.
  2. They will add the functions in the test_header file to the shell: . "$(dirname "$0")/test_header".


    The test header file is a symlink in each test directory to cylc.git/tests/lib/bash/test_header. This file has a useful docstring. If you see an unfamiliar command in a test script it may well be defined test_header.

  3. The test_header function set_test_number 1 which allows the test script to tell how many tests to expect.
  4. One or more testing functions from test_header. Common examples include run_ok, run_fail, cmp_ok, grep_ok and reftest.

Many of these functions take a TEST_NAME argument which sets the name. Often this is set by TEST_NAME=${TEST_NAME_BASE}-some-extra-label where ${TEST_NAME_BASE} is the name of the test file.

Working out the cause of failures

The tests use the bash shell so you can use bash commands to see what they are doing, with the following caveat: To see the output you need to redirect it to standard error using >&2. If, for example, you wanted to understand the directory structure of the temporary directory that many tests create, you might add tree >&2 to a test before re-running it.

Other useful commands include ls >&2, cat ${TEST_NAME}.stdout >&2 and cat ${TEST_NAME}.stderr >&2. These last will show you the standard error and output of the last test, which may give you more information about what went wrong.

In many cases you may get a test in the form run_ok "${TEST_NAME}" cylc validate "${SUITE_NAME}". In these cases it may be instructive to add a --debug switch and examine the stderr thus:

run_ok ${TEST_NAME} cylc validate --debug "${SUITE_NAME}"
cat ${TEST_NAME}.stderr >&2
cat ${TEST_NAME}.stdout >&2

Many tests also create and run a suite: You can find this in your cylc-run folder under the name cylctb-<date-time-string>: Investigating this suite may often point you to the cause of failure.

Using Python Debugger

You can’t use a Python debugger straightforwardly inside the test framework - it will hang as it wait for interaction with the debugger that never comes. What you can do is place the following in the test before the cylc or rose command you wish to debug:

DUMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
echo "Your test setup stuff is at ${DUMPDIR}" >&2
cp -r * ${DUMPDIR}
exit 0

This will dump all the test setup in a temporary directory for you to play with. If you want to debug a python program you can add Python debug statements to the code and run it:

These are:

# Python ≥ 3.7:

# or Python < 3.7:
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

Alternatively you may find that you can run the suite from your test. Functional tests of form path/to/test.t often come with a suite in the form path/to/test/suite.rc. You will need to remember to manually provide any environment variables the workflow needs, and may need to alter your flow.rc to match flow-tests.rc.

Traps for the unwary

grep_ok vs comp_ok

Tests that use comp_ok generally compare ${TEST_NAME}.stdout or ${TEST_NAME}.stderr against either a reference or against /dev/null. They expect the entire output to be exactly the same as the reference and are therefore very unforgiving.

grep_ok is much less sensitive only requiring the reference output to be present somewhere in the test output.

Further Reading


If you see code that looks like this:

cat >'' <<'__HELLO_PY__'
print("Hello World")

You are looking at an “heredoc” and you may wish to read about heredocs: A modern looking bloggy guide A web 1.0 manual