Cylc VC 8/9 August 2019 Agenda
Previous: week-long meeting(s) in Exeter in June.
Present: HO, BK, DS, SB, OS, MS (others away, jet lagged, or ill).
Actions (5 min)
General Admin (5 min)
Site Updates and News (5 min)
- NIWA/UM-Partnership contract for Bruno - still in prep
- discussion started on Cylc development and “opportunities”
- Any new issues at other sites?
7.8 maintenance (2 min)
Cylc 8 Topics
We now have a workable end-to-end system.
CLI-WFS Authentication (20 min)
proposal PR
- plans/thoughts so far
- what still needs to be decided
- implementation plan?
UI Server and WFS (15 min)
- status update
- incremental data WFS data store update
- next steps?
- incremental update to UIS
- hook up CLI to GraphQL endpoint
Orthogonal work (15 min)
- “rose suite-run” migration
- “cluster awareness”
config unification
TP (if present?) or MS:
- status updates
- next steps
Other Topics (5 min)
- once we have the first semi-usable system, start thinking about the total
packaging solution for first users?
- MS: Is it a good time to create the alpha1 releases for our current stack of
software, including all the cylc-* projects and rose? Cylc-flow should be ready
for the alpha1 release after #3202, and the other projects are currently
relatively quiet. With all of these in place, we should be in a better position
to work on the next step on packaging, etc.
- have proved it works
- need to document use with Cylc
- and consider other-user display
- MS: Flaky cylc-flow tests on Travis CI. Please continue to mark them down before
kicking the build - and move any left over to live under flakytests/. E.g. I
believe a few under tests/reload/ are still flaky.
UI (10 min)
- Vue tree component
- Have we reached the point that two reviews per PR are needed yet?
BK (if he has audio at home):
- status update
- next steps?