Cylc VC March 2019 Agenda
Site Updates, News
- CiSE paper accepted.
- Met Office PS42->OS42 at Met Office using Cylc 7.8.1 (with mod).
- NIWA operations - 7.8.1? (David)
- BOM? (Martin) - Cylc + SMS, a long-term marriage made in heaven?
Upcoming 7.8.2 maintenance release
- quick review of issues
- any blockers?
- release date?
Python 2-to-3
- Cylc Workflow Service + 0mq port - DONE
- Rose standalone toolkit - DONE.
- Rosie disco + Tornado port - WiP
- Rose suite wrappers - TBD
Cylc-8 Architecture
- (Bruno) Hub + UI server + Cylc-7 Workflow Service with Flask + GraphQL
- more or less proven, unmodified, as Cylc Hub?
- what remains to be done?
- other authentication, spawners (PBS?), other-user view?
- anything else?
UI (cylc-web)
- Can we do any more without real workflow data?
- (fake data? - don’t know structure yet, below)
Workflow Status Summary Data and Communication
Need to resolve disagreement on the model:
MODEL 1: UI Server Mirror:
- UI Server holds a data structure that mirrors the Workflow state
- One of these per Workflow Service (not one per UI)
- Workflow service updates this incrementally by dumb push
- UI “indexes into” this via GraphQL
- GraphQL schema exactly mirrors the status data structure
- Workflow Service does not see multiple UIs, just the UI Server (for status
requests, not commands)
MODEL 2: UI Server Pass-Through
- UI Server just passes UI requests through to Workflow Services
- Needs GraphQL at the backend too?
- What does incremental update mean in this case?
- Is this simpler or not?
(or something in between)
- decide on model, with implications for API and subscription model, etc.
- (what does incremental update mean or imply at the UI end?)
- what (dict) form should the summary data structure take, exactly?
- document method and data “schema” clearly before implementation
- Model 2 (GraphQL in WS?) (esp. for commands) could impact or invalidate some
of Oliver’s work on the WS ZMQ API? e.g.
UI Server
- Need a new project
? (Python Tornado)?
- Can we start implementing this? (questions above need resolving)
- Initially serve fake workflow data
Workflow Service
- any logic changes necessary for cylc-8?
- how summary status data is updated from main loop?
- main loop asyncio?
- other?
Graph Representation and Processing
- stick with a flat list of nodes and edges (can’t model the graph itself in
- internal processing, or external Graph Engine, e.g. Neo4j
- server has to compute the “concrete graph” over range of cycle points,
and client just populates nodes, as now? (otherwise client needs to know
the graph pattern and have full cycling capability)
- begin investigating now or leave until other views are done?
Next steps toward cylc-8.0a1
Project Admin and Code Management
- ZenHub? Trello? GitHub Projects?
- (let’s decide and be done with it!)
- the saga continues!
- (note todays email CC-list screw-up)
- status at MO? switch to Slack?
- Do the other new
repositories need milestones?
- eventually? (e.g. distinct UI release cycle)
- and etc.? (full GitHub “community profile”?)
- Do we need to choose coding styles?
- (only PEP8 so far)
- Python Docstring Conventions - would be nice to have one that works
with most tools (i.e. sphinx, vim syntax highlight, IDE, napoleon,
- Should we use Black?
- Source repository names:
–> cylc/cylc-workflow-service
? (or not, for pip install cylc
- (along with
, cylc/
- or does
pip install cylc-VERSION
dictate that we keep cylc/cylc
- Sadie’s Cheat Sheets idea: new repository
cylc review
to new repo cylc/cylc-review
cylc profile-battery
command to new repo.
-> cylc-workflow.rc
? (or cylc-workflow.yaml
- Improved release process (Bruno)
- less reliance on Hilary
- Pull Request template, require a message for the release change log?
- automatically generate
- Testing
- Unit test + Battery test -> Pytest?
- UI testing - any decisions here? (Selenium?)
Speculative or off-the-critical-path
- suite.rc, YAML, Python API?
- my feeling is we could force users to change config file format, and we
need a Python API for advanced users/applications, but we can’t force
users to use Python (simpler suites don’t need Python)
- so is it worth considering suite.rc -> YAML? for cylc-8, or later?
- Does the intention to make a Python API change this?
- Is a Python API possible for cylc-8? (probably not)
- Oliver’s API-only-the-fly POCs:
- CLI? web UI?
- (GraphQL in WS would impact this? … but we’re currently aiming for
GraphQL in UI S, not WS)
- anything else?
- next meeting date: in 2 or 4 weeks?