Cylc Project VC 1 September 2020
(Meeting notes in italics)
- 7.8.x Milestone
- (last month’s GUI sorting bug fixed)
- (Release not a high priority; let’s back-port Cylc 8 fixes as we go,
then make a release later on)
(no objections)
(we are quite behind schedule in many respects; reasons include the pandemic
and SoD implementation - but at least the latter puts us ahead in other ways)
- SoD merged (follow-ups from proposal now Issues; priorities TBD)
- Platforms merged
- a few small “nice to have” follow-ups to come, but TW will concentrate on
finishing of the
rose suite-run
migration with MH first
- OS: after Platforms has settled, we should be able to configure our way
out of FQDN-based portability issues; see cylc-flow#3768
- Infinite tree not needed! (delta updates made plain tree perform well)
- UI filtering almost ready
- CLI GraphQL almost ready
- Async scan (including stopped flows) almost ready
- Rsync files to install targets (PR up today!)
- MH gave us an update on this; it pretty much sews up the file installation
work apart from symlink follow-up
Do we need another alpha release? (meh)
- (no strong opinions expressed)
Beta release MVP October/November?
- UI
- performant tree view with filtering
- integrated mutations
- BK and OS to discuss soon - next highest UI priority
- scan stopped flows, and allowing starting them
- Ability to see and start uninstalled “roses dir” sources important too
(related to “template suites” and run1, run2, run3, run-dirs.
- event-driven n-distance datastore (n=0,1 in scheduler)
- load older tasks from disk
- start stopped flows
- Other
rose suite-run
migration (file installation etc.)
- still to do: “template suites” and run1, run2, run3, run-dirs.
- CLI via GraphQL
- task status naming changes (incl. xtrigger PR)
Nice to have (for beta release):
- New graph view - (hierarchical layout less important now - in low-n windows?)
- HO: dagre is slow and edge shapes are ugly c.f. graphviz - is that part
of the layout proper, or configurable?
- OS: still strongly in favor of hierarchical layout
- Cylc 8 migration guide with all breaking changes listed
- Cross-user functionality
- DM noted this is very important, more so than graph view
- Delta-driven TUI (needs homemade GraphQL subscriptions at the scheduler)
- What should gscan show in the post task-pool world? (“number of succeeded
- n=1 out from: “waiting tasks” is “what comes next”
- also need number of queued and “preparing” tasks (as well as active)
- various options as to what if anything to say about “succeeded” tasks -
- gscan currently subscribes to all task proxies and computes its own status
summaries - need to get that direct from the back end; consider also task vs
job states.
- HO (and to a lesser extent BK) largely taken out by RSE conf through end of
next week
- TP has off-project stuff to do this week, then on holiday
- JR still tied up with other work
- OS:
- will move on to the UI after tying up a few cylc-flow loose ends
- his last cylc-flow “curve ball” is test battery use of a simple
Docker-based remote host.
- tests passing on OSX/BSD now - let’s make it official… once we’ve fixed
test issues currently affecting Linux (and the the FQDN problems)
Next Meeting?
- TP to arrange for early October