Proposal for Authentication between the CLI & the Workflow Service
Acronyms used:
- CLI == command line interface;
- WFS == workflow service (in Cylc <=7 terminology, the suite daemon or
server program);
- SSP == suite server program;
- UIS == UI (user interface) server.
The Problem
We need authentication between the CLI & the WFS in Cylc 8.
(NB: we also need security for network communications to & from the WFS, &
though that is not the domain of this proposal, approaches or libraries or
protocols (etc.) used for this may also be relevant, as
outlined below.)
Client cases
There are various client cases to cover, ultimately, some of which we will
treat in the same way, & some differently (see the next section for
- User (interactive) CLI => WFS, for user commands:
- what I will call “the direct, or full-privilege full-access (FPFA),
- user is logged in (authenticated);
- user is the workflow owner;
- user has full access to the file system where the WFS is running;
- the WFS is running as this user.
- the user CLI where any of the conditions in (1i) are not satisfied, as
I will call the “non-direct or non-FPFA case”.
- Task-job CLI <=> WFS, for job status messaging etc.:
- remote task-jobs that are on a non-shared file system;
- any task-jobs not covered by (2i), i.e. local ones, or ones running
remotely on a host where the file system is shared.
- Involving the UIS:
- UIS <=> WFS:
- This should be in scope, since this case should be completely
equivalent to the ‘CLI <=> WFS’ case, i.e. to the cases in (1) (see
Q2 under ‘Open Questions’)?
- CLI => UIS:
Token-based approaches
Discussions on the topic have converged (see e.g.
here &
towards using some form of non-permanent (transient) token to achieve this.
These forms have been distinguished as options:
- “timed” tokens: tokens that expire, & are replaced with a different
token, after a set time period is up;
- event-based/driven “one-time” tokens: “single-use” tokens that are
created & deleted to cover the duration of set events, only being
valid for one such event instance.
The old (Cylc 7) approach
The approach for authentication between the CLI & the suite server program
(name for the Cylc 7 WFS equivalent) is
described here. It is ultimately
a token written out on-disk in plain text, that relies on Linux file
permissions to be secure & only usable by the suite owner.
Note the phrase “passphrase” is used historically, but it is not actually
a user-specified mnemonic passphrase (though users can override it with one,
but we believe this is done rarely), it is a random token that is generated
on the first run of a suite. Since the token (“passphrase”) is valid for
the lifetime of that suite, it is effectively a one-time suite-level token,
where the creation event is the first suite run & the deletion event is the
deletion of the suite (or its .service
Relevant differences from Cylc 7 to 8
There are aspects of the Cylc 7 authentication we have decided, at the
least, to change, or which otherwise necessitate changes, as follows:
- We now have a UIS, for which we also need to manage authentication (to &
from it & the WFS, & to it from the CLI).
- In the new architecture, the WFS is a central server, whereas the old SSP
was a distributed per-suite server, which means multi-user
authentication is necessary.
- We have decided the new approach should:
- not require port-scanning;
- not require SSH access;
- in some cases at least (notably for some remote task-job clients where
the file system is not shared so it is not possible) not use the
file system;
- not preclude (later implementation of) fine-grained authorisation for
control capability, which is not possible with the Cylc 7
authentication model.
Aims: what do we want?
We want to provide & solution that will, by means of, & on top of, being
- account for required changes outlined in the previous section;
- offer increased security, rather than just being a “rebrand” accounting
for the above;
- not preclude, or make difficult, any future work that we need to or want
to do, e.g:
- later work on authorisation, which may rely on a mapping against tokens;
- work on out-of-scope WFS authentication i.e. (cases 3ii & possibly 3i);
- perhaps providing the means to restrict what remote jobs are able to do
on certain platforms, to account for the fact that certain ones have
different security levels.
- not be incompatible with any future infrastructure changes that we can
foresee, e.g:
- jobs running on cloud platforms.
Open questions
On client cases (c.f. ‘Client cases’ section above)
- What cases shall we manage through the same approach?
- What is in scope for authentication involving the UIS
(see cases under 3)?
On token choice (c.f. ‘Token-based approaches’ section above)
- What token-based approach should be used in each client case group as
in Q1?
On token management
- For timed tokens: how do we deal with the changeover of tokens? E.g:
- will both tokens be valid over the changeover period?
- For one-time tokens: what events do we set as those for which one-time
tokens are created & then deleted?
- We should consider the granularity, e.g. to make sure there will
not be a performance overhead from too much interaction with the
filesystem etc., but not so coarse-grained as to compromise security.
How long-lived should the events be, along the scale of covering the
duration of a whole:
- workflow (as in Cylc 7)?
- cycle-point?
- task (i.e. for all of its task-jobs)?
- job;
- set of defined (workflow-based) commands?
- (single) command?
On the nature & location of the tokens
- What algorithms &/or standards to use (see also Q9)? Notably for:
- tokenisation (signing, verification, etc.);
- encryption, if used;
- How shall we provide any related information required to identify jobs:
- incorporate it into the token?
- just have it alongside the token (exposing it, but does that matter)?
- Which location shall we use to store the token(s)?
- Somewhere under each workflow’s
as before?
On implementation
- What module(s) to use (see also Q6). Should it/they be:
- Python built-in? Notably e.g:
: “a
common interface to many different secure hash and message digest
: “used
for generating cryptographically strong random numbers”.
- Third-party? Notably e.g:
[JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption technologies: JSON Web
Signature (JWS), JSON Web Encryption (JWE), JSON Web Key (JWK), and
JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)] implementation in Python”
: “JSON Web Token
implementation in Python”;
: “a Python library for
generating and verifying one-time passwords”.
Working Proposal for a Solution [on hold, see note]
This is the current status of the plan to address defined aspects (else
stated as ‘out of scope’ meaning to be addressed in the future, after the
rest) for the problem outlined in ‘The Problem’ section above.
Timeline of major updates to the working proposal
- 25.07.19: initial PR up, with a very basic proposal.
- 28.07.19: proposal extended in response to PR feedback from MS, HO & BK.
- 29.07.19: extended again to include UML Sequence diagrams created by MS.
- 01.08.19: proposal updated in response to feedback from DM, & reformatted
to accommodate much higher level of detail than was originally intended.
- 12.08.19: proposal updated to account for discussions in ‘Cylc Core’ team
video conference on 08.08.19 (UK date).
- 19.08.19: amendments made in response to some general feedback by DM & to
adapt the proposal to the new context & plan relating to overarching
WFS security, i.e. also considering the network communications.
Case-by-case outline
For command-to-workflow-service (CLI-to-WFS) authentication, use:
(The numbers below refer to the cases outlined in the
‘Client cases’ section above, so please cross-reference with
- (1i) Ideally, & therefore to try in the first instance, event-based
one-time tokens, which each last for the duration of a single command (upon
its execution to its return) only (call them “one-command” tokens).
However, concerns have been raised that such one-command tokens will have a
significant overhead, so if once they are set up & tested we find that they
slow the user CLI response times to an extent that is not sustainable, we
will consider a “plan B” of one of either of the following:
- setting up sharing of tokens between multiple commands for when commands
are sent in at a frequency that is considered “high”;
- using direct timed tokens, instead.
- (1ii) Out of scope (in the future this may be supported to go through the
- (2i) Event-based one-time tokens, which each last for the duration of
single job only (call them “one-job” tokens). They would expire when the
job finishes (note this means they would apply to multiple commands). These
would require one of the following:
- another file per job, which is not ideal as it adds to the file count;
- a shared combined file containing tokens for all jobs per workflow;
- extending an existing job file such as the ‘job.status’ so that such
files also carry the token information for each job, & preventing that
information from being displayed in Cylc Review.
- (2ii) Treat the same as either (1i) or (2i) (to which of the two
remains an open question), so see those cases as above, where treating
equivalently to (1i) is possible from utilising the shared file system.
- (3i) Equivalent to cases under (1i), hence treat like for (1i) as above.
- (3ii) Out of scope (see note for 1ii).
Questions addressed & remaining
Overall, from the above case outline, for the questions in
‘Open Questions’, we have:
- Q1. Two distinct approach used to cover all cases: those described for (1i) &
for (2i).
- Q2. (3i) is in scope, (3ii) is out of scope.
- Q3. (1i) uses a so-called “one-command” token, (2i) a so-called “one-job”
token (see the descriptions against these cases); both of these are
event-based one-time tokens, but the events to which tokens are associated
to instances are different in each case.
- Q4. n/a, as there are no timed tokens.
- Q5. The lifetime of individual commands for (1i) & same-approach cases, &
of individual jobs for (2i) & same-approach cases.
- Q6. Not yet decided.
- Q7. Not yet decided.
- Q8. Not yet decided.
- Q9. Not yet decided.
Plus a new question of:
- Q10. Do we authenticate case (2ii) by the same approach as (1i), or the
same approach as (2i)? Some brief points:
- Treating as for (2i) would be beneficial, as it would mean all jobs
are treated equally. This could have benefits, for instance making
the storage & reading/writing of tokens for jobs simpler & consistent.
- But, treating as for (1i) would mean that all cases where the
file system is shared are treated in the same way, which could have
its own advantages.
- It could simply be that the most performant approach of the two would
be the best choice?
Case-by-case UML Sequence Diagrams
Key for interaction arrow colours:
- Black: initiating interaction
- Red: token-related interaction or process
- Green: en- or de-cryption process
- Blue: generic message or communication
- Purple: batch scheduling interaction or process
“One-command” (one-time for a single command) tokens, the “plan A” for cases (1i), (2ii) & (3i)
This diagram outlines the interactions for the creation & deletion, &
for the usage, of valid one-command tokens:

“One-job” (one-time over the lifetime of a single job) tokens for case (2i)
This diagram outlines the interactions for the creation & deletion, &
for the usage, of valid one-job tokens:

Note on Status of the Working Proposal
Note that this proposal represents the state of plans preceding discussions
on an approach based on public & private keys (asymmetric cryptography)
for WFS network communications security which could also be viable
solution here: see the
corresponding Issue
for details (& perhaps the comment
Consequently, we have agreed to postpone this work until we have undertaken
some investigations there & know more about the potential of CurveZMQ as
an approach for (some) CLI <=> WFS authentication.
Therefore this document represents a plan that will be re-considered &
perhaps went forward with depending on the above, but is currently
“on hold”.