
Proposal - changes to global and workflow configs

These notes mainly address cylc-flow #3422. They have been updated to reflect the discussion at CylcCon 2020.

General points



Config file naming

See cylc-flow #3170.

Agreed global config changes

These are agreed changes to the specification currently on master.

[authentication] -> obsolete

See cylc-admin#77.

[cylc][events]mail * -> [scheduler][mail]

mail from, mail smtp, mail to and mail footer can apply to both scheduler and task events so move them to a separate section and remove mail from the name. See discussion.

[cylc][events] -> [scheduler][events]

See discussion.

[cylc]task event mail interval -> [scheduler][mail]task event batch interval

See discussion.

[cylc]health check interval -> [scheduler]health check interval

Makes sense to move this.

process pool * -> [scheduler]process pool *

Makes sense to move these.

[documentation] -> obsolete

See discussion.

[document viewers] -> obsolete

See discussion.

[suite logging] -> [scheduler][logging]

Makes sense to move these.

run directory rolling archive length -> [scheduler]run directory rolling archive length

Makes sense to move this. May well change as part of the rose suite-run migration work.

[task events]mail smtp -> obsolete

No reason to set this separately for task events.

[task events]mail retry delays -> obsolete

Can’t think of a good reason to want to delay the sending of an email notification or to want to retry it (unlikely to succeed on retry if it fails).

(If we do decide to keep this setting, surely it should apply to scheduler events as well and should be moved into the [scheduler][mail] section.)

[suite servers] -> [scheduler]

See discussion. Difficult to plan for the future methods (e.g. running via kubernetes?).

[suite host self-identification] -> [scheduler][host self-identification]

See discussion.

[job platforms] -> [platforms]

Agreed at CylcCon.

[job platforms][]task communication method -> [platforms][]communication method

See discussion.

[cylc]UTC mode -> [scheduler]UTC mode

Matches workflow config change.


Discussed at CylcCon. Agreed to keep these settings but discourage their use. Also, change them to use to $EDITOR & $GEDITOR if set (otherwise use current defaults).

disable interactive command prompts -> obsolete

Agreed at CylcCon to remove support for interactive prompts (and remove the --force option in the affected commands). If there is a requirement for this in the future it would be better to support it via a --interactive option.

[test battery] -> obsolete

Now in global-tests.cylc (but need to check this).

[job platforms][]batch system -> [platforms][]job runner

This name makes more sense when using background and, hopefully, will fit better with possible future methods (e.g. kubernetes?).

[job platforms][]batch submit command template -> [platforms][]job runner command template

Matches previous change. However, we should open an issue to consider removing this (inconsistent as no poll and kill templates) but leave for now as it is used in the test battery.

[job platforms][]task event handler retry delays -> obsolete

Discussed at CylcCon - no requirement for this.

[job platforms][]scp command -> obsolete

No longer used. Also remove the cylc [util] scp-transfer command.

Updated global config

Below is shown the global config as it will be after all the agreed changes have been made:

SPEC = {
    'scheduler': {
        'UTC mode': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
        'health check interval': [VDR.V_INTERVAL, DurationFloat(600)],
        'process pool size': [VDR.V_INTEGER, 4],
        'process pool timeout': [VDR.V_INTERVAL, DurationFloat(600)],
        'run directory rolling archive length': [VDR.V_INTEGER, -1],
        'events': {
            'handlers': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'handler events': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'mail events': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'startup handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'timeout handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'inactivity handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'shutdown handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'aborted handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'stalled handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'timeout': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
            'inactivity': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
            'abort on stalled': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort on timeout': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort on inactivity': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
        'mail': {
            'from': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'smtp': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'to': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'footer': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'task event batch interval': [VDR.V_INTERVAL, DurationFloat(300)],
        'logging': {
            'rolling archive length': [VDR.V_INTEGER, 5],
            'maximum size in bytes': [VDR.V_INTEGER, 1000000],
        'auto restart delay': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
        'host self-identification': {
            'method': [VDR.V_STRING, 'name', 'address', 'hardwired'],
            'target': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
            'host': [VDR.V_STRING],
        'run hosts': {
            'available': [VDR.V_SPACELESS_STRING_LIST],
            'condemned': [VDR.V_ABSOLUTE_HOST_LIST],
            'ports': [VDR.V_INTEGER_LIST, list(range(43001, 43101))],
            'ranking': [VDR.V_STRING],
    'editors': {
        'terminal': [VDR.V_STRING, 'vim'],
        'gui': [VDR.V_STRING, 'gvim -f'],
    'monitor': {
        'sort order': [VDR.V_STRING, 'definition', 'alphanumeric'],
    'platforms': {
        '__MANY__': {
            'job runner': [VDR.V_STRING, 'background'],
            'job runner command template': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'shell': [VDR.V_STRING, '/bin/bash'],
            'run directory': [VDR.V_STRING, '$HOME/cylc-run'],
            'work directory': [VDR.V_STRING, '$HOME/cylc-run'],
            'suite definition directory': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'communication method': [
                VDR.V_STRING, 'zmq', 'poll'],
            'submission polling intervals': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST],
            'submission retry delays': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST, None],
            'execution polling intervals': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST],
            'execution time limit polling intervals': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST],
            'ssh command': [
                VDR.V_STRING, 'ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10'],
            'use login shell': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN, True],
            'remote hosts': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'cylc executable': [VDR.V_STRING, 'cylc'],
            'global init-script': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'copyable environment variables': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, ''],
            'retrieve job logs': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'retrieve job logs command': [VDR.V_STRING, 'rsync -a'],
            'retrieve job logs max size': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'retrieve job logs retry delays': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST],
            'tail command template': [
                VDR.V_STRING, 'tail -n +1 -F %(filename)s'],
            'err tailer': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'out tailer': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'err viewer': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'out viewer': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'job name length maximum': [VDR.V_INTEGER],
            'owner': [VDR.V_STRING],
    'platform groups': {
        '__MANY__': {
            'platforms': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST]
    'task events': {
        'execution timeout': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
        'handlers': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
        'handler events': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
        'handler retry delays': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST, None],
        'mail events': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
        'mail from': [VDR.V_STRING],
        'mail to': [VDR.V_STRING],
        'submission timeout': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],

Agreed workflow config changes

These are agreed changes to the specification currently on master.

[cylc]force run mode & required run mode -> obsolete

Not required. See discussion-1 and discussion-2

[visualization] -> obsolete

May return in a different form later. See discussion.

[cylc][authentication] -> obsolete

See cylc-admin#77.

[cylc]disable automatic shutdown -> obsolete

Not required. See discussion.

[cylc][parameters] -> [task parameters]

See discussion.

[cylc][parameter templates] -> [task parameters][templates]

Note this is different to what was proposed in the discussion (above).

[scheduling]hold after point -> [scheduling]hold after cycle point

See discussion.

[scheduling]stop after cycle point <- new

Discussed at CylcCon.

[scheduling][special tasks]exclude at start-up & include at start-up -> obsolete

Not required. See discussion.

[runtime][][job] -> [runtime][]

This applies only to the settings which have not been deprecated by the platforms work: execution polling intervals, execution retry delays, execution time limit, submission polling intervals & submission retry delays. See discussion and cylc-flow#3480.

[runtime][][remote]suite definition directory -> obsolete

We will assume the suite definition is in the cylc-run directory. See discussion-1 and discussion-2.

Note that we also need to deprecate the environment variables $CYLC_SUITE_DEF_PATH & $CYLC_SUITE_DEF_PATH_ON_SUITE_HOST.

[cylc][events]mail * -> [scheduler][mail]

Matches global config change.

Also make smtp obsolete? No reason to set this on a per workflow basis?

[cylc][events] -> [scheduler][events]

Matches global config change.

[cylc]task event mail interval -> [scheduler][mail]task event interval

Matches global config change.

[runtime][][events]mail smtp -> obsolete

Matches global config change to [task events]mail smtp.

[runtime][][events]mail retry delays -> obsolete

Matches global config change to [task events]mail retry delays.

[cylc][reference test]expected task failures -> [scheduler][events]expected task failures

See discussion.

[scheduler][events]abort if any task fails -> obsolete

Make command line option instead (discussed at CylcCon).

[cylc][environment] -> obsolete

Discussed at CylcCon.

[cylc]health check interval -> [scheduler]health check interval

Matches global config change.

[cylc] time settings -> [scheduler]

This covers UTC mode, cycle point format, cycle point num expanded year digits and cycle point time zone (discussed at CylcCon).

[cylc][simulation]disable suite event handlers -> obsolete

Agreed at CylcCon to move this and make it positive. However, now proposing to remove it and automatically disable event handlers in simulation and dummy modes. It’s easy to test event handlers, if you need to, in a real test suite written for that purpose and there’s no obvious use case for this when running a real suite in simulation or dummy mode.

[runtime][]extra log files -> obsolete

Instead provide access to all files found in the job log dir in the new UI. See discussion.

Empty string defaults

Where default values are currently defined as empty strings, these will be replaced with None. See discussion.

Note: there are no empty string defaults in the global config.

Updated workflow config

Below is shown the workflow config as it will be after all the agreed changes have been made (not including deprecated settings):

SPEC = {
    'meta': {
        'description': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
        'group': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
        'title': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
        'URL': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
        '__MANY__': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
    'scheduler': {
        'UTC mode': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN, False],
        'cycle point format': [VDR.V_CYCLE_POINT_FORMAT],
        'cycle point num expanded year digits': [VDR.V_INTEGER, 0],
        'cycle point time zone': [VDR.V_CYCLE_POINT_TIME_ZONE],
        'health check interval': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
        'events': {
            'handlers': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'handler events': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'mail events': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'startup handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'timeout handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'inactivity handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'shutdown handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'aborted handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'stalled handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'timeout': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
            'inactivity': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
            'abort if startup handler fails': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort if shutdown handler fails': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort if timeout handler fails': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort if inactivity handler fails': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort if stalled handler fails': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort on stalled': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort on timeout': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'abort on inactivity': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'expected task failures': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
        'mail': {
            'from': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'smtp': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'to': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'footer': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'task event interval': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
    'task parameters': {
        '__MANY__': [VDR.V_PARAMETER_LIST],
        'templates': {
            '__MANY__': [VDR.V_STRING],
    'scheduling': {
        'initial cycle point': [VDR.V_CYCLE_POINT],
        'final cycle point': [VDR.V_STRING],
        'initial cycle point constraints': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
        'final cycle point constraints': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
        'hold after cycle point': [VDR.V_CYCLE_POINT],
        'stop after cycle point': [VDR.V_CYCLE_POINT],
        'cycling mode': (
            [VDR.V_STRING, Calendar.MODE_GREGORIAN] +
            list(Calendar.MODES) + ["integer"]),
        'runahead limit': [VDR.V_STRING],
        'max active cycle points': [VDR.V_INTEGER, 3],
        'spawn to max active cycle points': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
        'queues': {
            'default': {
                'limit': [VDR.V_INTEGER, 0],
                'members': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            '__MANY__': {
                'limit': [VDR.V_INTEGER, 0],
                'members': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
        'special tasks': {
            'clock-trigger': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'external-trigger': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'clock-expire': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'sequential': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
        'xtriggers': {
            '__MANY__': [VDR.V_XTRIGGER],
        'graph': {
            '__MANY__': [VDR.V_STRING],
    'runtime': {
        '__MANY__': {
            'platform': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'inherit': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'init-script': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'env-script': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'err-script': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'exit-script': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'pre-script': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'script': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'post-script': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'work sub-directory': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'execution polling intervals': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST, None],
            'execution retry delays': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST, None],
            'execution time limit': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
            'submission polling intervals': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST, None],
            'submission retry delays': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST, None],
            'meta': {
                'title': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
                'description': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
                'URL': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
                '__MANY__': [VDR.V_STRING, ''],
            'simulation': {
                'default run length': [VDR.V_INTERVAL, DurationFloat(10)],
                'speedup factor': [VDR.V_FLOAT],
                'time limit buffer': [VDR.V_INTERVAL, DurationFloat(30)],
                'fail cycle points': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
                'fail try 1 only': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN, True],
                'disable task event handlers': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN, True],
            'environment filter': {
                'include': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
                'exclude': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST],
            'events': {
                'execution timeout': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
                'handlers': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'handler events': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'handler retry delays': [VDR.V_INTERVAL_LIST, None],
                'mail events': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'mail from': [VDR.V_STRING],
                'mail to': [VDR.V_STRING],
                'submission timeout': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
                'expired handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'late offset': [VDR.V_INTERVAL, None],
                'late handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'submitted handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'started handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'succeeded handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'failed handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'submission failed handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'warning handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'critical handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'retry handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'submission retry handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'execution timeout handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'submission timeout handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
                'custom handler': [VDR.V_STRING_LIST, None],
            'suite state polling': {
                'user': [VDR.V_STRING],
                'host': [VDR.V_STRING],
                'interval': [VDR.V_INTERVAL],
                'max-polls': [VDR.V_INTEGER],
                'message': [VDR.V_STRING],
                'run-dir': [VDR.V_STRING],
                'verbose mode': [VDR.V_BOOLEAN],
            'environment': {
                '__MANY__': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'directives': {
                '__MANY__': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'outputs': {
                '__MANY__': [VDR.V_STRING],
            'parameter environment templates': {
                '__MANY__': [VDR.V_STRING],

Potential global config changes

Possible changes not currently included in this proposal.

Separate client config file

See discussion.

[cylc]UTC mode

Does it make sense to be able to set UTC mode globally but not cycle point time zone? Is the difference between these settings clear? Which makes more sense to set globally? See cylc-flow#2324.

[job platforms][]work directory

Poor name (contains work & share). It is likely this setting will be replaced (or re-defined) as part of the work to support rose suite-run functionality for sym-linking to different file-systems (also run directory).

[task events] -> [runtime][root][events]

Do we want global and workflow config names to match where applicable?

Potential workflow config changes

Possible changes not currently included in this proposal.

[scheduling]spawn to max active cycle points

Presumably this will become obsolete if/when we implement spawn on demand?


Rename? See discussion.


Rename? See discussion.


Rename? See discussion.

[runtime][]parameter environment templates

Rename? See discussion.


Rename? See discussion.


Rename? See discussion.