
Cylc UI Data Model

See also the closely related subscription model

Views state the data they require to function in something akin to a manifest:

taskProxies = [
jobs = [

The workflow component (which is the mount point for the “cylc views”) takes this manifest and issues a subscription on behalf of the view. Ideally this would involve subscription merging but if you separate the data from the query with a nice shiny interface what goes on under the hood doesn’t really matter.


At the moment this all happens via the gquery (bad pun on graphql / jquery) file which I put in back in the early days. Each view is registered and can issue multiple subscriptions. But the views themselves never handle subscriptions, or manage them in any way. The subscriptions are created and destroyed automatically. It was intended to be temporary but I had expected the register/subscribe interface implemented there to be evolved and carried forward, albeit in a wildly different form.

The more involved things are:

export default {
   // ...
   computed: {
     maifest () => {
       if (this.isExpanded) {
         return this.expandedFields
        } else {
          return this.collapsedFields

I said this happens in the workflow component, but at the moment it actually happens in the workflow service which is how we are able to persist subscriptions past the lifecycle of the workflow component itself. Thanks to vuex it’s pretty easy to store stuff centrally.

GScan, the Dashboard currently go via this service too, everything gets merged into a single subscription under-the-hood.

The idea is that we have a centralised service which handles the requirements of the live components and shields them from all the pesky implementation details like websockets, graphql, query merging, etc.

The danger is moving the subscriptions into the components themselves, it allows for rapid development yes, but it allows you to make assumptions which aren’t reliable, Like for instance when you control the subscription you control the filtering. But with a central solution you don’t get that. Once you’ve gone distributed it could be a nasty piece of work to re-centralise things and find ways around the subscription-orientated model.