
Cylc-8 Threat Modelling Assessment outcomes

(email from BOM staff to HO, 25 March 2019)

Last Thursday we held a security threat modelling session on Cylc-8 using the current architecture diagram you have provided. The result was the set of “user stories” we think need to be considered, which are listed below. Most of them are “negative” user stories ie. they are stories we would like Cylc-8 to stop from happening. User stories generally spark further conversations, particularly when it comes to someone trying to work out what to implement and how. I expect this set of stories will probably do the same!

The other key outcome of the meeting was that we confirmed that JupyterHub is on our Enterprise Architecture team’s technology roadmap, which means it is an accepted technology for use at the BOM.

Security User Stories

FIRSTLY: we rely on normal file system permissions to protect tokens on disk (on suite and job hosts) (like ssh)

Entity-in-the-middle attacks

As an attacker I want to stop user A suite A from running

As an attacker I want to be able to fool authentication on the Cylc Hub

As an attacker I want to harvest usernames and passwords

As an attacker I want to be able to get the network map relevant to the Cylc solution

As an attacker I want to hijack current tokens to take over sessions

As an attacker I want to harvest suite state via the HTTP proxy on Cylc Hub

As an attacker I want to execute my own suite/arbitrary code on HPC

As an attacker I want to inject arbitrary code into an already running suite

As an attacker I want to ‘spawn’ a non UI server (arbitrary code, not cylc)

As an attacker I want to steal SSO from the Cylc Hub

As an attacker/user I want to change other users running suites

As a malicious job I would like to send messages back to UI server and or HTTP proxy to affect other users suites

As an attacker I want to store something that will be executed, when admins log in, with admin privileges

As a defender I’d like to monitor for unusual (potentially nefarious) activity (e.g. DOS attack) and be able to shut-down the threat

As an attacker I’d like to snoop or modify communication traffic between components, e.g. zeromq traffic

As an insider with rudimentary Cylc access who wishes to sabotage operations, I’d like to trick the role-based permissions model into providing me escalated rights