Remote Job Management ===================== Managing tasks in a workflow requires more than just job execution: Cylc performs additional actions with ``rsync`` for file transfer, and direct execution of ``cylc`` sub-commands over non-interactive SSH [4]_. SSH-free Job Management? ------------------------ Some sites may want to restrict access to job hosts by whitelisting SSH connections to allow only ``rsync`` for file transfer, and allowing job execution only via a local batch system that sees the job hosts [5]_ . We are investigating the feasibility of SSH-free job management when a local batch system is available, but this is not yet possible unless your suite and job hosts also share a filesystem, which allows Cylc to treat jobs as entirely local [6]_ . SSH-based Job Management ------------------------ Cylc does not have persistent agent processes running on job hosts to act on instructions received over the network [7]_ so instead we execute job management commands directly on job hosts over SSH. Reasons for this include: - it works equally for batch system and background jobs - SSH is *required* for background jobs, and for batch jobs if the batch system is not available on the suite host - *querying the batch system alone is not sufficient for full job polling functionality* because jobs can complete (and then be forgotten by the batch system) while the network, suite host, or suite server program is down (e.g. between suite shutdown and restart) - to handle this we get the automatic job wrapper code to write job messages and exit status to *job status files* that are interrogated by suite server programs during job polling operations - job status files reside on the job host, so the interrogation is done over SSH - job status files also hold batch system name and job ID; this is written by the job submit command, and read by job poll and kill commands (all over SSH) A Concrete Example ------------------ The following suite, registered as ``suitex``, is used to illustrate our current SSH-based remote job management. It submits two jobs to a remote, and a local task views a remote job log then polls and kills the remote jobs. .. code-block:: cylc # suite.rc [scheduling] [[dependencies]] graph = "delayer => master & REMOTES" [runtime] [[REMOTES]] script = "sleep 30" [[[remote]]] host = wizard owner = hobo [[remote-a, remote-b]] inherit = REMOTES [[delayer]] script = "sleep 10" [[master]] script = """ sleep 5 cylc cat-log -m c -f o $CYLC_SUITE_NAME remote-a.1 sleep 2 cylc poll $CYLC_SUITE_NAME REMOTES.1 sleep 2 cylc kill $CYLC_SUITE_NAME REMOTES.1 sleep 2 cylc remove $CYLC_SUITE_NAME REMOTES.1""" The *delayer* task just separates suite start-up from remote job submission, for clarity when watching the job host (e.g. with ``watch -n 1 find ~/cylc-run/suitex``). Global config specifies the path to the remote Cylc executable, says to retrieve job logs, and not to use a remote login shell: .. code-block:: cylc # global.rc [hosts] [[wizard]] cylc executable = /opt/bin/cylc retrieve job logs = True use login shell = False On running the suite, remote job host actions were captured in the transcripts below by wrapping the ``ssh``, ``scp``, and ``rsync`` executables in scripts that log their command lines before taking action. Create suite run directory and install source files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Done by ``rose suite-run`` before suite start-up (the command will be migrated to Cylc soon though). - with ``--new`` it invokes bash over SSH and a raw shell expression, to delete previous-run files - it invokes itself over SSH to create top level suite directories and install source files - skips installation if server UUID file is found on the job host (indicates a shared filesystem) - uses ``rsync`` for suite source file installation .. note:: The same directory structure is used on suite and job hosts, for consistency and simplicity, and because the suite host can also be a job host. .. code-block:: bash # rose suite-run --new only: initial clean-out ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 hobo@wizard bash -l -O extglob -c 'cd; echo '"'"'673d7a0d-7816-42a4-8132-4b1ab394349c'"'"'; ls -d -r cylc-run/suitex/work cylc-run/suitex/share/cycle cylc-run/suitex/share cylc-run/suitex; rm -fr cylc-run/suitex/work cylc-run/suitex/share/cycle cylc-run/suitex/share cylc-run/suitex; (cd ; rmdir -p cylc-run/suitex/work cylc-run/suitex/share/cycle cylc-run/suitex/share cylc-run 2>/dev/null || true)' # rose suite-run: test for shared filesystem and create share/cycle directories ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 -n hobo@wizard env ROSE_VERSION=2018.02.0 CYLC_VERSION=7.6.x bash -l -c '"$0" "$@"' rose suite-run -vv -n suitex --run=run --remote=uuid=231cd6a1-6d61-476d-96e1-4325ef9216fc,now-str=20180416T042319Z # rose suite-run: install suite source directory to job host rsync -a --exclude=.* --timeout=1800 --rsh=ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 --exclude=231cd6a1-6d61-476d-96e1-4325ef9216fc --exclude=log/231cd6a1-6d61-476d-96e1-4325ef9216fc --exclude=share/231cd6a1-6d61-476d-96e1-4325ef9216fc --exclude=share/cycle/231cd6a1-6d61-476d-96e1-4325ef9216fc --exclude=work/231cd6a1-6d61-476d-96e1-4325ef9216fc --exclude=/.* --exclude=/cylc-suite.db --exclude=/log --exclude=/log.* --exclude=/state --exclude=/share --exclude=/work ./ hobo@wizard:cylc-run/suitex # (internal rsync) ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 -l hobo wizard rsync --server -logDtpre.iLsfx --timeout=1800 . cylc-run/suitex # (internal rsync, back from hobo@wizard) rsync --server -logDtpre.iLsfx --timeout=1800 . cylc-run/suitex Result: .. todo:: Nicer dirtree display via sphinx or custom extension? .. code-block:: bash ~/cylc-run/suitex |__log->log.20180418T025047Z # LOG DIRECTORIES |__log.20180418T025047Z # log directory for current suite run |__suiter.rc |__xxx # any suite source sub-dirs or file |__work # JOB WORK DIRECTORIES |__share # SUITE SHARE DIRECTORY |__cycle Server installs service directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - server address and credentials, so that clients such as ``cylc message`` executed by jobs can connect - done just before the first job is submitted to a remote, and at suite restart for the remotes of jobs running when the suite went down (server host, port, etc. may change at restart) - uses SSH to invoke ``cylc remote-init`` on job hosts. If the remote command does not find a server-side UUID file (which would indicate a shared filesystem) it reads a tar archive of the service directory from stdin, and unpacks it to install. .. code-block:: bash # cylc remote-init: install suite service directory ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 hobo@wizard env CYLC_VERSION=7.6.x /opt/bin/cylc remote-init '066592b1-4525-48b5-b86e-da06eb2380d9' '$HOME/cylc-run/suitex' Result: .. todo:: Nicer dirtree display via sphinx or custom extension? .. code-block:: bash ~/cylc-run/suitex |__.service # SUITE SERVICE DIRECTORY | |__contact # server address information | |__passphrase # suite passphrase | |__ssl.cert # suite SSL certificate |__log->log.20180418T025047Z # LOG DIRECTORIES |__log.20180418T025047Z # log directory for current suite run |__suiter.rc |__xxx # any suite source sub-dirs or file |__work # JOB WORK DIRECTORIES |__share # SUITE SHARE DIRECTORY |__cycle Server submits jobs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - done when tasks are ready to run, for multiple jobs at once - uses SSH to invoke ``cylc jobs-submit`` on the remote - to read job scripts from stdin, write them to disk, and submit them to run .. code-block:: bash # cylc jobs-submit: submit two jobs ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 hobo@wizard env CYLC_VERSION=7.6.x /opt/bin/cylc jobs-submit '--remote-mode' '--' '$HOME/cylc-run/suitex/log/job' '1/remote-a/01' '1/remote-b/01' Result: .. todo:: Nicer dirtree display via sphinx or custom extension? .. code-block:: bash ~/cylc-run/suitex |__.service # SUITE SERVICE DIRECTORY | |__contact # server address information | |__passphrase # suite passphrase | |__ssl.cert # suite SSL certificate |__log->log.20180418T025047Z # LOG DIRECTORIES |__log.20180418T025047Z # log directory for current suite run | |__ job # job logs (to be distinguished from log/suite/ on the suite host) | |__1 # cycle point | |__remote-a # task name | | |__01 # job submit number | | | |__job # job script | | | |__job.out # job stdout | | | |__job.err # job stderr | | | |__job.status # job status | | |__NN->0l # symlink to latest submit number | |__remote-b # task name | |__01 # job submit number | | |__job # job script | | |__job.out # job stdout | | |__job.err # job stderr | | |__job.status # job status | |__NN->0l # symlink to latest submit number |__suiter.rc |__xxx # any suite source sub-dirs or file |__work # JOB WORK DIRECTORIES | |__1 # cycle point | |__remote-a # task name | | |__xxx # (any files written by job to PWD) | |__remote-b # task name | |__xxx # (any files written by job to PWD) |__share # SUITE SHARE DIRECTORY |__cycle |__xxx # (any job-created sub-dirs and files) Server tracks job progress ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - jobs send messages back to the server program on the suite host - directly: client-server HTTPS over the network (requires service files installed - see above) - indirectly: re-invoke clients on the suite host (requires reverse SSH) - OR server polls jobs at intervals (requires job polling - see below) User views job logs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - command ``cylc cat-log`` via CLI or GUI, invokes itself over SSH to the remote - suites will serve job logs in future, but this will still be needed (e.g. if the suite is down) .. code-block:: bash # cylc cat-log: view a job log ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 -n hobo@wizard env CYLC_VERSION=7.6.x /opt/bin/cylc cat-log --remote-arg='$HOME/cylc-run/suitex/log/job/1/remote-a/NN/job.out' --remote-arg=cat --remote-arg='tail -n +1 -F %(filename)s' suitex Server cancels or kills jobs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - done automatically or via user command ``cylc kill``, for multiple jobs at once - uses SSH to invoke ``cylc jobs-kill`` on the remote, with job log paths on the command line. Reads job ID from the job status file. .. code-block:: bash # cylc jobs-kill: kill two jobs ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 hobo@wizard env CYLC_VERSION=7.6.x /opt/bin/cylc jobs-kill '--' '$HOME/cylc-run/suitex/log/job' '1/remote-a/01' '1/remote-b/01' Server polls jobs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - done automatically or via user command ``cylc poll``, for multiple jobs at once - uses SSH to invoke ``cylc jobs-poll`` on the remote, with job log paths on the command line. Reads job ID from the job status file. .. code-block:: bash # cylc jobs-poll: poll two jobs ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 hobo@wizard env CYLC_VERSION=7.6.x /opt/bin/cylc jobs-poll '--' '$HOME/cylc-run/suitex/log/job' '1/remote-a/01' '1/remote-b/01' Server retrieves jobs logs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - done at job completion, according to global config - uses ``rsync`` .. code-block:: bash # rsync: retrieve two job logs rsync -a --rsh=ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 --include=/1 --include=/1/remote-a --include=/1/remote-a/01 --include=/1/remote-a/01/** --include=/1/remote-b --include=/1/remote-b/01 --include=/1/remote-b/01/** --exclude=/** hobo@wizard:$HOME/cylc-run/suitex/log/job/ /home/vagrant/cylc-run/suitex/log/job/ # (internal rsync) ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 -l hobo wizard rsync --server --sender -logDtpre.iLsfx . $HOME/cylc-run/suitex/log/job/ # (internal rsync, back from hobo@wizard) rsync --server --sender -logDtpre.iLsfx . /home/hobo/cylc-run/suitex/log/job/ Server tidies job remote at shutdown ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - removes ``.service/contact`` so that clients won't repeatedly try to connect .. code-block:: bash # cylc remote-tidy: remove the remote suite contact file ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oConnectTimeout=10 hobo@wizard env CYLC_VERSION=7.6.x /opt/bin/cylc remote-tidy '$HOME/cylc-run/suitex' Other Use of SSH in Cylc ------------------------ - see if a suite is running on another host with a shared filesystem - see ``detect_old_contact_file()`` in ``lib/cylc/`` - cat content of a remote service file over SSH, if possible, for clients on that do not have suite credentials installed - see ``_load_remote_item()`` in ```` .. [4] Cylc used to run bare shell expressions over SSH, which required a bash shell and made whitelisting difficult. .. [5] A malicious script could be ``rsync``'d and run from a batch job, but batch jobs are considered easier to audit. .. [6] The job ID must also be valid to query and kill the job via the local batch system. This is not the case for Slurm, unless the ``--cluster`` option is explicitly used in job query and kill commands, otherwise the job ID is not recognized by the local Slurm instance. .. [7] This would be a more complex solution, in terms of implementation, administration, and security.