Task & Job States
Tasks are a workflow abstraction; they represent future and past jobs as well as current active jobs. In the Cylc UI, task states have monochromatic icons like this: .
Jobs represent real job scripts submitted to run on a job platform. In the Cylc UI, job states have coloured icons like this: .
A single task can have multiple jobs, by automatic retry or manual triggering.
State |
Task Icon |
Job Icon |
Description |
waiting |
waiting on prerequisites |
preparing |
job being prepared for submission |
submitted |
job submitted |
running |
job running |
succeeded |
job succeeded |
failed |
job failed |
submit-failed |
job submission failed |
expired |
will not submit job (too far behind) |
The running task icon contains a clock face which shows the time elapsed as a proportion of the average runtime.
Task Modifiers
Tasks are run as soon as their dependencies are satisfied, however, there are some other conditional which can prevent tasks from being run. These are given “modifier” icons which appear to the top-left of the task icon:
Held: Task has been manually held back from running. |
Runahead: Task is held back by the runahead limit. |
Queued: Task has been held back by an internal queue. |