
Families provide a way of grouping tasks together so they can be treated as one.


Families are groups of tasks which share a common configuration. In the present example the common configuration is:

script = get-observations
    API_KEY = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

We define a family as a new task consisting of the common configuration. By convention families are named in upper case:

    script = get-observations
        API_KEY = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

We “add” tasks to a family using the inherit setting:

    inherit = GET_OBSERVATIONS
        SITE_ID = 3772

When we add a task to a family in this way it inherits the configuration from the family, i.e. the above example is equivalent to:

    script = get-observations
        API_KEY = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
        SITE_ID = 3772

It is possible to override inherited configuration within the task. For example if we wanted the get_observations_heathrow task to use a different API key we could write:

    inherit = GET_OBSERVATIONS
        API_KEY = special-api-key
        SITE_ID = 3772

Using families the get_observations tasks could be written like so:

        script = get-observations
            API_KEY = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

        inherit = GET_OBSERVATIONS
            SITE_ID = 3772
        inherit = GET_OBSERVATIONS
            SITE_ID = 3808
        inherit = GET_OBSERVATIONS
            SITE_ID = 3005
        inherit = GET_OBSERVATIONS
            SITE_ID = 3917


Families can be used in the workflow’s graph, e.g:

GET_OBSERVATIONS:succeed-all => consolidate_observations

The :succeed-all is a special qualifier which in this example means that the consolidate_observations task will run once all of the members of the GET_OBSERVATIONS family have succeeded. This is equivalent to:

get_observations_heathrow => consolidate_observations
get_observations_camborne => consolidate_observations
get_observations_shetland => consolidate_observations
get_observations_aldergrove => consolidate_observations

The GET_OBSERVATIONS:succeed-all part is referred to as a family trigger. Family triggers use special qualifiers which are non-optional. The most commonly used ones are:


Run if all of the members of the family have succeeded.


Run as soon as any one family member has succeeded.


Run as soon as all of the family members have completed (i.e. have each either succeeded or failed).

For more information on family triggers see the Cylc User Guide.

The root Family

There is a special family called root (in lowercase) which is used only in the runtime to provide configuration which will be inherited by all tasks.

In the following example the task bar will inherit the environment variable FOO from the [root] section:

            FOO = foo
        script = echo $FOO


In this practical we will consolidate the configuration of the weather-forecasting workflow from the previous section.

  1. Create A New Workflow.

    To make a new copy of the forecasting workflow run the following commands:

    cylc get-resources tutorial/consolidation-tutorial
    cd ~/cylc-src/consolidation-tutorial
  2. Move Site-Wide Settings Into The root Family.

    The following two environment variables are used by multiple tasks:

    RESOLUTION = 0.2
    DOMAIN = -12,48,5,61  # Do not change!

    Rather than manually adding them to each task individually we could put them in the root family, making them accessible to all tasks.

    Add a root section containing these two environment variables. Remove the variables from any other task’s environment sections:

    +    [[root]]
    +        [[[environment]]]
    +            # The dimensions of each grid cell in degrees.
    +            RESOLUTION = 0.2
    +            # The area to generate forecasts for (lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2).
    +            DOMAIN = -12,48,5,61  # Do not change!
         script = consolidate-observations
    -    [[[environment]]]
    -        # The dimensions of each grid cell in degrees.
    -        RESOLUTION = 0.2
    -        # The area to generate forecasts for (lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2).
    -        DOMAIN = -12,48,5,61  # Do not change!
         script = get-rainfall
             # The key required to get weather data from the DataPoint service.
             # To use archived data comment this line out.
             API_KEY = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    -        # The dimensions of each grid cell in degrees.
    -        RESOLUTION = 0.2
    -        # The area to generate forecasts for (lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2).
    -        DOMAIN = -12,48,5,61  # Do not change!
         script = forecast 60 5  # Generate 5 forecasts at 60 minute intervals.
    -        # The dimensions of each grid cell in degrees.
    -        RESOLUTION = 0.2
    -        # The area to generate forecasts for (lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2)
    -        DOMAIN = -12,48,5,61  # Do not change!
             # The path to the files containing wind data (the {variables} will
             # get substituted in the forecast script).
             WIND_FILE_TEMPLATE = $CYLC_WORKFLOW_WORK_DIR/{cycle}/consolidate_observations/wind_{xy}.csv
             # List of cycle points to process wind data from.
             WIND_CYCLES = 0, -3, -6
             # The path to the rainfall file.
             RAINFALL_FILE = $CYLC_WORKFLOW_WORK_DIR/$CYLC_TASK_CYCLE_POINT/get_rainfall/rainfall.csv
             # Create the html map file in the task's log directory.
             MAP_FILE = "${CYLC_TASK_LOG_ROOT}-map.html"
             # The path to the template file used to generate the html map.
             MAP_TEMPLATE = "$CYLC_WORKFLOW_RUN_DIR/lib/template/map.html"
         # Generate a forecast for Exeter 60 minutes into the future.
         script = post-process exeter 60
    -    [[[environment]]]
    -        # The dimensions of each grid cell in degrees.
    -        RESOLUTION = 0.2
    -        # The area to generate forecasts for (lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2).
    -        DOMAIN = -12,48,5,61  # Do not change!

    To ensure that the environment variables are being inherited correctly by the tasks, inspect the [runtime] section using cylc config by running the following command:

    cylc config . -i "[runtime]"

    You should see the environment variables from the [root] section in the [environment] section for all tasks.


    You may find it easier to open the output of this command in a text editor, e.g:

    cylc config . -i "[runtime]" | gvim -