Basic Cycling


You will be able to:
✅ Write simple cycling (repeating) workflows.

Repeating Workflows

You may want to repeat the same workflow multiple times. In Cylc this is called cycling, and each repetition is called a cycle.

Each cycle is given a unique label, called a cycle point. For now these will be integers, but they can also be datetimes as we will see in the next section.

To make a workflow repeat we must tell Cylc three things:

The recurrence.

How often to repeat the workflow (or part of it).

The initial cycle point.

The cycle point to start from.

The final cycle point (optional).

We can also tell Cylc where to stop the workflow.

Let’s take the bakery example from the previous section. Bread is baked in batches so the bakery will repeat this workflow for each batch. We can make the workflow repeat by adding three lines:

     allow implicit tasks = True
+    cycling mode = integer
+    initial cycle point = 1
-        R1 = """
+        P1 = """
             buy_ingredients => make_dough
             pre_heat_oven & make_dough => bake_bread
             bake_bread => sell_bread & clean_oven
  • cycling mode = integer tells Cylc to give our cycle points integer labels.

  • initial cycle point = 1 tells Cylc to start counting cycle points from 1.

  • P1 is the recurrence; a P1 graph string repeats at every integer cycle point.

The first three cycles look like this, with the entire workflow repeated at each cycle point:

digraph example { size = "7,15" subgraph cluster_1 { label = 1 style = dashed "1/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n1"] "1/mak" [label="make_dough\n1"] "1/bak" [label="bake_bread\n1"] "1/sel" [label="sell_bread\n1"] "1/cle" [label="clean_oven\n1"] "1/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n1"] } subgraph cluster_2 { label = 2 style = dashed "2/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n2"] "2/mak" [label="make_dough\n2"] "2/bak" [label="bake_bread\n2"] "2/sel" [label="sell_bread\n2"] "2/cle" [label="clean_oven\n2"] "2/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n2"] } subgraph cluster_3 { label = 3 style = dashed "3/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n3"] "3/mak" [label="make_dough\n3"] "3/bak" [label="bake_bread\n3"] "3/sel" [label="sell_bread\n3"] "3/cle" [label="clean_oven\n3"] "3/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n3"] } "1/pur" -> "1/mak" -> "1/bak" -> "1/sel" "1/pre" -> "1/bak" -> "1/cle" "2/pur" -> "2/mak" -> "2/bak" -> "2/sel" "2/pre" -> "2/bak" -> "2/cle" "3/pur" -> "3/mak" -> "3/bak" -> "3/sel" "3/pre" -> "3/bak" -> "3/cle" }

The number under each task shows which cycle point it belongs to.

Intercycle Dependencies

We’ve just seen how to write a workflow that repeats every cycle.

Cylc runs tasks as soon as their dependencies are met, regardless of cycle point, so cycles will not necessarily run in order. This can be efficient, but it could also cause problems. For instance we could find ourselves pre-heating the oven in one cycle while still cleaning it in another.

To resolve this we can add dependencies between cycles, to the graph. To ensure that clean_oven completes before pre_heat_oven starts in the next cycle, we can write this:

clean_oven[-P1] => pre_heat_oven

In a P1 recurrence, the suffix [-P1] means the previous cycle point, Similarly, [-P2] refers back two cycles. The new dependency can be added to the workflow graph like this:

     cycling mode = integer
     initial cycle point = 1
         P1 = """
             buy_ingredients => make_dough
             pre_heat_oven & make_dough => bake_bread
             bake_bread => sell_bread & clean_oven
+            clean_oven[-P1] => pre_heat_oven

And the resulting workflow looks like this:

digraph example { size = "7,15" subgraph cluster_1 { label = 1 style = dashed "1/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n1"] "1/mak" [label="make_dough\n1"] "1/bak" [label="bake_bread\n1"] "1/sel" [label="sell_bread\n1"] "1/cle" [label="clean_oven\n1"] "1/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n1"] } subgraph cluster_2 { label = 2 style = dashed "2/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n2"] "2/mak" [label="make_dough\n2"] "2/bak" [label="bake_bread\n2"] "2/sel" [label="sell_bread\n2"] "2/cle" [label="clean_oven\n2"] "2/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n2"] } subgraph cluster_3 { label = 3 style = dashed "3/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n3"] "3/mak" [label="make_dough\n3"] "3/bak" [label="bake_bread\n3"] "3/sel" [label="sell_bread\n3"] "3/cle" [label="clean_oven\n3"] "3/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n3"] } "1/pur" -> "1/mak" -> "1/bak" -> "1/sel" "1/pre" -> "1/bak" -> "1/cle" "1/cle" -> "2/pre" "2/pur" -> "2/mak" -> "2/bak" -> "2/sel" "2/pre" -> "2/bak" -> "2/cle" "2/cle" -> "3/pre" "3/pur" -> "3/mak" -> "3/bak" -> "3/sel" "3/pre" -> "3/bak" -> "3/cle" }

The intercycle dependency forces the connected tasks, in different cycle points, to run in order.

Note that the buy_ingredients task has no arrows pointing at it. This means it has no parent tasks to wait on, upstream in the graph. Consequently all buy_ingredients tasks (out to a configurable runahead limit) want to run straight away. This could cause our bakery to run into cash-flow problems by purchasing ingredients too far in advance of using them.

To solve this problem without running out of ingredients, the bakery wants to purchase ingredients two batches ahead. This can be achieved by adding the following dependency:

     cycling mode = integer
     initial cycle point = 1
         P1 = """
             buy_ingredients => make_dough
             pre_heat_oven & make_dough => bake_bread
             bake_bread => sell_bread & clean_oven
             clean_oven[-P1] => pre_heat_oven
+            sell_bread[-P2] => buy_ingredients

This means that buy_ingredients will run after the sell_bread task two cycles earlier.


The [-P2] suffix references a task two cycles back. For the first two cycles this doesn’t make sense, so those dependencies (and indeed any before the initial cycle point) will be ignored.

digraph example { size = "4.5,15" subgraph cluster_1 { label = 1 style = dashed "1/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n1"] "1/mak" [label="make_dough\n1"] "1/bak" [label="bake_bread\n1"] "1/sel" [label="sell_bread\n1"] "1/cle" [label="clean_oven\n1"] "1/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n1"] } subgraph cluster_2 { label = 2 style = dashed "2/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n2"] "2/mak" [label="make_dough\n2"] "2/bak" [label="bake_bread\n2"] "2/sel" [label="sell_bread\n2"] "2/cle" [label="clean_oven\n2"] "2/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n2"] } subgraph cluster_3 { label = 3 style = dashed "3/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n3"] "3/mak" [label="make_dough\n3"] "3/bak" [label="bake_bread\n3"] "3/sel" [label="sell_bread\n3"] "3/cle" [label="clean_oven\n3"] "3/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n3"] } subgraph cluster_4 { label = 4 style = dashed "4/pur" [label="buy_ingredients\n4"] "4/mak" [label="make_dough\n4"] "4/bak" [label="bake_bread\n4"] "4/sel" [label="sell_bread\n4"] "4/cle" [label="clean_oven\n4"] "4/pre" [label="pre_heat_oven\n4"] } "1/pur" -> "1/mak" -> "1/bak" -> "1/sel" "1/pre" -> "1/bak" -> "1/cle" "1/cle" -> "2/pre" "1/sel" -> "3/pur" "2/pur" -> "2/mak" -> "2/bak" -> "2/sel" "2/pre" -> "2/bak" -> "2/cle" "2/cle" -> "3/pre" "2/sel" -> "4/pur" "3/pur" -> "3/mak" -> "3/bak" -> "3/sel" "3/pre" -> "3/bak" -> "3/cle" "3/cle" -> "4/pre" "4/pur" -> "4/mak" -> "4/bak" -> "4/sel" "4/pre" -> "4/bak" -> "4/cle" }

Recurrence Sections

In the previous examples we used a P1recurrence to make the workflow repeat at successive integer cycle points. Similarly P2 means repeat every other cycle, and so on. We can use multiple recurrences to build more complex workflows:

   cycling mode = integer
   initial cycle point = 1
      # Repeat every cycle.
      P1 = foo
      # Repeat every second cycle.
      P2 = bar
      # Repeat every third cycle.
      P3 = baz

We can also tell Cylc where to start a recurrence sequence.

From the initial cycle point:

By default, recurrences start at the: initial cycle point.

From an arbitrary cycle point:

We can give a different start point like this: 5/P3 means repeat every third cycle, starting from cycle number 5. To run a graph at every other cycle point, use 2/P2.

Offset from the initial cycle point:

The start point of a recurrence can also be defined as an offset from the initial cycle point For example, +P5/P3 means repeat every third cycle from 5 cycles after the initial cycle point.


In this practical we will turn the workflow of the previous section into a cycling workflow.

If you have not completed the previous practical use the following code for your flow.cylc file.

    allow implicit tasks = True
        R1 = """
            a & c => b => d & f
            d => e
  1. Create a new workflow.

    Create a new source directory integer-cycling under ~/cylc-src/, and move into it:

    mkdir -p ~/cylc-src/integer-cycling
    cd ~/cylc-src/integer-cycling

    Copy the above code into a flow.cylc file in that directory.

  2. Make the workflow cycle.

    Add the following lines to your flow.cylc file:

    +    cycling mode = integer
    +    initial cycle point = 1
    -        R1 = """
    +        P1 = """
                 a & c => b => d & f
                 d => e
  3. Visualise the workflow.

    Try visualising your workflow using cylc graph.

    cylc graph .


    You can use the -c (--cycles) option to draw a box around each cycle:

    cylc graph -c .


    By default cylc graph displays the first three cycles of the graph, but you can specify the range of cycles on the command line. Here’s how to display cycles 1 through 5:

    cylc graph . 1 5
  4. Add another recurrence.

    Suppose we wanted the e task to run every other cycle as opposed to every cycle. We can do this by adding another recurrence.

    Make the following changes to your flow.cylc file.

         cycling mode = integer
         initial cycle point = 1
             P1 = """
                 a & c => b => d & f
    -            d => e
    +        P2 = """
    +            d => e
    +        """

    Use cylc graph to see the effect this has on the workflow.

  5. intercycle dependencies.

    Now we will add three intercycle dependencies:

    1. Between f from the previous cycle and c.

    2. Between d from the previous cycle and a every odd cycle (e.g. 2/d => 3/a).

    3. Between e from the previous cycle and a every even cycle (e.g. 1/e => 2/a).

    Try adding these to your flow.cylc file to make your workflow match the diagram below.


    • P2 means every other cycle, from the initial cycle point.

    • 2/P2 means every other cycle, from cycle point 2.

    digraph example { size = "4.5,7" subgraph cluster_1 { label = 1 style = dashed "1/a" [label="a\n1"] "1/b" [label="b\n1"] "1/d" [label="d\n1"] "1/f" [label="f\n1"] "1/c" [label="c\n1"] "1/e" [label="e\n1"] } subgraph cluster_2 { label = 2 style = dashed "2/a" [label="a\n2"] "2/b" [label="b\n2"] "2/d" [label="d\n2"] "2/f" [label="f\n2"] "2/c" [label="c\n2"] } subgraph cluster_3 { label = 3 style = dashed "3/a" [label="a\n3"] "3/b" [label="b\n3"] "3/d" [label="d\n3"] "3/f" [label="f\n3"] "3/c" [label="c\n3"] "3/e" [label="e\n3"] } "1/a" -> "1/b" -> "1/f" "1/b" -> "1/d" "1/c" -> "1/b" "2/a" -> "2/b" -> "2/f" "2/b" -> "2/d" "2/c" -> "2/b" "3/a" -> "3/b" -> "3/f" "3/b" -> "3/d" "3/c" -> "3/b" "1/d" -> "1/e" -> "2/a" "3/d" -> "3/e" "2/d" -> "3/a" "1/f" -> "2/c" "2/f" -> "3/c" }


        allow implicit tasks = True
        cycling mode = integer
        initial cycle point = 1
            P1 = """
                a & c => b => d & f
                f[-P1] => c  # (1)
            P2 = """
                d => e
                d[-P1] => a  # (2)
            2/P2 = """
                e[-P1] => a  # (3)