Workflow Run Modes

Cylc can run a workflow without running the real jobs, which may be useful when developing workflows. Tasks in Dummy Mode and Simulation Mode can help you to understand how different outcomes and run lengths will affect the workflow.

To start a workflow in one of these modes:

$ cylc play --mode=dummy <workflow-id>
$ cylc play --mode=simulation <workflow-id>


  • A workflow cannot be restarted in a different run mode. Instead, install a new instance of the workflow and run it from scratch in the new mode.

  • Workflows run in Dummy and Simulation mode do not allow the run mode of individual tasks to be overridden by Skip Mode

Dummy Mode

Dummy mode replaces real jobs with background jobs on the scheduler host which use sleep to simulate the run length according to the settings described for simulation mode. This avoids job runner directives that request compute resources for real workflow tasks, and it allows any workflow configuration to be run locally in dummy mode.


  • Dummy mode can only be applied to a whole workflow.

  • Dummy tasks run locally, so dummy mode does not test communication with remote job platforms. However, it is easy to write a live-mode test workflow with simple sleep 10 tasks that submit to a remote platform.

Simulation Mode

Simulation mode does not run real jobs, and does not generate job log files. Instead, the scheduler internally simulates task completion to evolve the workflow.

Simulated Run Length

The default dummy or simulated job run length is 10 seconds. It can be changed with [runtime][<namespace>][simulation]default run length.

If [runtime][<namespace>]execution time limit and [runtime][<namespace>][simulation]speedup factor are both set, run length is computed by dividing the execution time limit by the speedup factor.

Simulated Failure

Tasks always complete all custom outputs, and by default they will succeed.

If you want to test emitting only some custom outputs you can run the workflow in live mode with task run modes set to skip mode.

You can set some or all instances of a task to fail using [runtime][<namespace>][simulation]fail cycle points, which takes either a list of cycle point strings or “all”.

Tasks set to fail will succeed on their second or following simulated submission. If you want all submissions to fail, set [runtime][<namespace>][simulation]fail try 1 only=False.

For example, to simulate a task you know to be flaky on the half hour but not on the hour:

   execution retry delays = PT30S
      fail cycle points = 2022-01-01T00:30Z,  2022-01-01T01:30Z

In another case you might not expect the retry to work, and want to test whether your failure handling works correctly:

    execution retry delays = PT30S
       fail try 1 only = false
       fail cycle points = 2022-01-01T03:00Z


  • Simulation mode can only be applied to a whole workflow.

  • Alternate path branching is difficult to simulate effectively. You can configure certain tasks to fail via [runtime][<namespace>][simulation], but all branches based on mutually exclusive custom outputs will run because all custom outputs get artificially completed in dummy mode and in simulation mode.