Job Script Environment Variables

These environment variables provided by the scheduler are available to Cylc job scripts at run time:

CYLC_VERSION                       # Version of cylc installation used
CYLC_VERBOSE                       # Verbose mode, true or false
CYLC_DEBUG                         # Debug mode (even more verbose), true or false

CYLC_CYCLING_MODE                  # Cycling mode, e.g. gregorian
ISODATETIMECALENDAR                # Calendar mode for the `isodatetime` command,
                                   #   defined with the value of CYLC_CYCLING_MODE
                                   #   when in any datetime cycling mode

CYLC_WORKFLOW_ID                   # Workflow ID
                                   # e.g. "a/b/c/run1"
CYLC_WORKFLOW_NAME                 # Workflow ID with the run name removed
                                   # (use CYLC_WORKFLOW_ID for most purposes)
                                   # e.g. "a/b/c"
CYLC_WORKFLOW_NAME_BASE            # The basename of the workflow name
                                   # (use CYLC_WORKFLOW_ID for most purposes)
                                   # e.g. "c"
CYLC_UTC                           # UTC mode, True or False
TZ                                 # Set to "UTC" in UTC mode or not defined

CYLC_WORKFLOW_RUN_DIR              # Location of the run directory in
                                   # job host, e.g. ~/cylc-run/foo
CYLC_WORKFLOW_HOST                 # Host running the workflow process
CYLC_WORKFLOW_OWNER                # User ID running the workflow process

CYLC_WORKFLOW_SHARE_DIR            # Workflow (or task!) shared directory
CYLC_WORKFLOW_UUID                 # Workflow UUID string
CYLC_WORKFLOW_WORK_DIR             # Workflow work directory

CYLC_TASK_JOB                      # Job identifier expressed as
                                   # CYCLE-POINT/TASK-NAME/SUBMIT-NUMBER
                                   #   e.g. 20110511T1800Z/t1/01

CYLC_TASK_CYCLE_POINT              # Cycle point, e.g. 20110511T1800Z
ISODATETIMEREF                     # Reference time for the `isodatetime` command,
                                   #   defined with the value of CYLC_TASK_CYCLE_POINT
                                   #   when in any datetime cycling mode

CYLC_TASK_NAME                     # Job's task name, e.g. t1
CYLC_TASK_ID                       # Task instance identifier CYCLE-POINT/TASK-NAME
                                   #   e.g. 20110511T1800Z/t1

CYLC_TASK_SUBMIT_NUMBER            # Job's submit number, e.g. 1,
                                   #   increments with every submit
CYLC_TASK_TRY_NUMBER               # Number of execution tries, e.g. 1
                                   #   increments with automatic execution retry delays.
CYLC_TASK_FLOW_NUMBERS             # Flows this task belongs to, e.g. 1,2

CYLC_TASK_LOG_DIR                  # Location of the job log directory
                                   #   e.g. ~/cylc-run/foo/log/job/20110511T1800Z/t1/01/
CYLC_TASK_LOG_ROOT                 # The job script path
                                   #   e.g. ~/cylc-run/foo/log/job/20110511T1800Z/t1/01/job
CYLC_TASK_WORK_DIR                 # Location of task work directory (see below)
                                   #   e.g. ~/cylc-run/foo/work/20110511T1800Z/t1
CYLC_TASK_SHARE_CYCLE_DIR          # The share/cycle/<cycle-point> directory
                                   # for this task.

CYLC_TASK_NAMESPACE_HIERARCHY      # Linearised family namespace of the task,
                                   #   e.g. root postproc t1

CYLC_TASK_COMMS_METHOD             # Set to "ssh" if communication method is "ssh"
CYLC_TASK_SSH_LOGIN_SHELL          # With "ssh" communication, if set to "True",
                                   #   use login shell on workflow host