Source code for

# Copyright (C) NIWA & British Crown (Met Office) & Contributors.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Server for workflow runtime API."""

import asyncio
from queue import Queue
from textwrap import dedent
from time import sleep
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

from graphql.execution.executors.asyncio import AsyncioExecutor
import zmq
from zmq.auth.thread import ThreadAuthenticator

from cylc.flow import LOG, workflow_files
from cylc.flow.cfgspec.glbl_cfg import glbl_cfg
from import authorise
from import (
    CylcGraphQLBackend, IgnoreFieldMiddleware, instantiate_middleware
from import WorkflowPublisher
from import WorkflowReplier
from import Resolvers
from import schema
from cylc.flow.data_store_mgr import DELTAS_MAP
from cylc.flow.data_messages_pb2 import PbEntireWorkflow

    from cylc.flow.scheduler import Scheduler
    from graphql.execution import ExecutionResult

# maps server methods to the protobuf message (for client/UIS import)
PB_METHOD_MAP: Dict[str, Any] = {
    'pb_entire_workflow': PbEntireWorkflow,
    'pb_data_elements': DELTAS_MAP

def expose(func=None):
    """Expose a method on the sever.""" = True
    return func

def filter_none(dictionary):
    """Filter out `None` items from a dictionary:

        >>> filter_none({
        ...     'a': 0,
        ...     'b': '',
        ...     'c': None
        ... })
        {'a': 0, 'b': ''}

    return {
        key: value
        for key, value in dictionary.items()
        if value is not None

[docs] class WorkflowRuntimeServer: """Workflow runtime service API facade exposed via zmq. This class starts and coordinates the publisher and replier, and contains the Cylc endpoints invoked by the receiver to provide a response to incoming messages. Args: schd (object): The parent object instantiating the server. In this case, the workflow scheduler. Usage: * Define endpoints using the ``expose`` decorator. * Endpoints are called via the receiver using the function name. Message interface: * Accepts messages of the format: {"command": CMD, "args": {...}} * Returns responses of the format: {"data": {...}} * Returns error in the format: {"error": {"message": MSG}} Common Arguments: Arguments which are shared between multiple commands. task identifier (str): A task identifier in the format ``cycle-point/task-name`` e.g. ``1/foo`` or ``20000101T0000Z/bar``. .. _task globs: task globs (list): A list of Cylc IDs relative to the workflow. * ``1`` - The cycle point "1". * ``1/foo`` - The task "foo" in the cycle "1". * ``1/foo/01`` - The first job of the task "foo" from the cycle "1". Glob-like patterns may be used to match multiple items e.g. ``*`` Matches everything. ``1/*`` Matches everything in cycle ``1``. ``*/*:failed`` Matches all failed tasks. """ endpoints: Dict[str, object] OPERATE_SLEEP_INTERVAL = 0.2 STOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL = 0.2 def __init__(self, schd): self.zmq_context = None self.port = None self.pub_port = None self.replier = None self.publisher = None self.loop = None self.thread = None self.curve_auth = None self.client_pub_key_dir = None self.schd: 'Scheduler' = schd self.resolvers = Resolvers( self.schd.data_store_mgr, schd=self.schd ) self.middleware = [ IgnoreFieldMiddleware, ] self.publish_queue: 'Queue[Iterable[tuple]]' = Queue() self.waiting_to_stop = False self.stopped = True self.register_endpoints()
[docs] def start(self, barrier): """Start the TCP servers.""" # set asyncio loop on thread try: self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() except RuntimeError: self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop) # TODO: this in zmq asyncio context? # Requires the scheduler main loop in asyncio first # And use of concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor? self.zmq_context = zmq.Context() # create an authenticator for the ZMQ context self.curve_auth = ThreadAuthenticator(self.zmq_context, log=LOG) self.curve_auth.start() # start the authentication thread # Setting the location means that the CurveZMQ auth will only # accept public client certificates from the given directory, as # generated by a user when they initiate a ZMQ socket ready to # connect to a server. workflow_srv_dir = workflow_files.get_workflow_srv_dir( self.schd.workflow) client_pub_keyinfo = workflow_files.KeyInfo( workflow_files.KeyType.PUBLIC, workflow_files.KeyOwner.CLIENT, workflow_srv_dir=workflow_srv_dir) self.client_pub_key_dir = client_pub_keyinfo.key_path # Initial load for the localhost key. self.curve_auth.configure_curve( domain='*', location=(self.client_pub_key_dir) ) min_, max_ = glbl_cfg().get(['scheduler', 'run hosts', 'ports']) self.replier = WorkflowReplier(self, context=self.zmq_context) self.replier.start(min_, max_) self.publisher = WorkflowPublisher( self.schd.workflow, context=self.zmq_context ) self.publisher.start(min_, max_) self.port = self.replier.port self.pub_port = self.publisher.port self.schd.data_store_mgr.delta_workflow_ports() # wait for threads to setup socket ports before continuing barrier.wait() self.stopped = False self.operate()
[docs] async def stop(self, reason: Union[BaseException, str]) -> None: """Stop the TCP servers, and clean up authentication. This method must be called/awaited from a different thread to the server's self.thread in order to interrupt the self.operate() loop and wait for self.thread to terminate. """ self.waiting_to_stop = True if self.thread and self.thread.is_alive(): # Wait for self.operate() loop to finish: while self.waiting_to_stop: # Non-async sleep - yield to other threads rather than # event loop (allows self.operate() running in different # thread to return) sleep(self.STOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL) if self.replier: self.replier.stop(stop_loop=False) if self.publisher: await self.publish_queued_items() await self.publisher.publish( (b'shutdown', str(reason).encode('utf-8')) ) self.publisher.stop(stop_loop=False) self.publisher = None if self.curve_auth: self.curve_auth.stop() # stop the authentication thread if self.loop and self.loop.is_running(): self.loop.stop() if self.thread and self.thread.is_alive(): self.thread.join() # Wait for processes to return self.stopped = True
[docs] def operate(self) -> None: """Orchestrate the receive, send, publish of messages.""" # Note: this cannot be an async method because the response part # of the listener runs the event loop synchronously # (in graphql AsyncioExecutor) while True: if self.waiting_to_stop: # The self.stop() method is waiting for us to signal that we # have finished here self.waiting_to_stop = False return # Gather and respond to any requests. self.replier.listener() # Publish all requested/queued. self.loop.run_until_complete(self.publish_queued_items()) # Yield control to other threads sleep(self.OPERATE_SLEEP_INTERVAL)
[docs] async def publish_queued_items(self) -> None: """Publish all queued items.""" while self.publish_queue.qsize(): articles = self.publish_queue.get() await self.publisher.publish(*articles)
[docs] def receiver(self, message): """Process incoming messages and coordinate response. Wrap incoming messages, dispatch them to exposed methods and/or coordinate a publishing stream. Args: message (dict): message contents """ # TODO: If requested, coordinate publishing response/stream. # determine the server method to call try: method = getattr(self, message['command']) args = message['args'] args.update({'user': message['user']}) if 'meta' in message: args['meta'] = message['meta'] except KeyError: # malformed message return {'error': { 'message': 'Request missing required field(s).'}} except AttributeError: # no exposed method by that name return {'error': { 'message': 'No method by the name "%s"' % message['command']}} # generate response try: response = method(**args) except Exception as exc: # includes incorrect arguments (TypeError) LOG.exception(exc) # note the error server side import traceback return {'error': { 'message': str(exc), 'traceback': traceback.format_exc()}} return {'data': response}
[docs] def register_endpoints(self): """Register all exposed methods.""" self.endpoints = {name: obj for name, obj in self.__class__.__dict__.items() if hasattr(obj, 'exposed')}
[docs] @authorise() @expose def api( self, endpoint: Optional[str] = None, **_kwargs ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """Return information about this API. Returns a list of callable endpoints. Args: endpoint: If specified the documentation for the endpoint will be returned instead. Returns: List of endpoints or string documentation of the requested endpoint. """ if not endpoint: return [ method for method in dir(self) if getattr(getattr(self, method), 'exposed', False) ] try: method = getattr(self, endpoint) except AttributeError: return 'No method by name "%s"' % endpoint if head, tail = method.__doc__.split('\n', 1) tail = dedent(tail) return '%s\n%s' % (head, tail) return 'No method by name "%s"' % endpoint
[docs] @authorise() @expose def graphql( self, request_string: Optional[str] = None, variables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): """Return the GraphQL schema execution result. Args: request_string: GraphQL request passed to Graphene. variables: Dict of variables passed to Graphene. meta: Dict containing auth user etc. Returns: object: Execution result, or a list with errors. """ try: executed: 'ExecutionResult' = schema.execute( request_string, variable_values=variables, context_value={ 'resolvers': self.resolvers, 'meta': meta or {}, }, backend=CylcGraphQLBackend(), middleware=list(instantiate_middleware(self.middleware)), executor=AsyncioExecutor(), validate=True, # validate schema (dev only? default is True) return_promise=False, ) except Exception as exc: return 'ERROR: GraphQL execution error \n%s' % exc if executed.errors: errors: List[Any] = [] for error in executed.errors: LOG.error(error) if hasattr(error, '__traceback__'): import traceback formatted_tb = traceback.format_exception( type(error), error, error.__traceback__ ) LOG.error("".join(formatted_tb)) errors.append({ 'error': { 'message': str(error), 'traceback': formatted_tb } }) continue errors.append(getattr(error, 'message', None)) return errors return
# UIServer Data Commands
[docs] @authorise() @expose def pb_entire_workflow(self, **_kwargs) -> bytes: """Send the entire data-store in a single Protobuf message. Returns serialised Protobuf message """ pb_msg = self.schd.data_store_mgr.get_entire_workflow() return pb_msg.SerializeToString()
[docs] @authorise() @expose def pb_data_elements(self, element_type: str, **_kwargs) -> bytes: """Send the specified data elements in delta form. Args: element_type: Key from DELTAS_MAP dictionary. Returns serialised Protobuf message """ pb_msg = self.schd.data_store_mgr.get_data_elements(element_type) return pb_msg.SerializeToString()