.. _tutorial.furthertopics.queues: Queues ====== Queues are used to put a limit on the number of tasks that will be active at any one time, even if their dependencies are satisfied. This avoids swamping systems with too many tasks at once. Example ------- In this example, our workflow manages a particularly understaffed restaurant. Create a new workflow called ``queues-tutorial``:: mkdir -p ~/cylc-src/queues-tutorial cd ~/cylc-src/queues-tutorial And paste the following into :cylc:conf:`flow.cylc`: .. code-block:: cylc [scheduling] [[graph]] R1 = """ open_restaurant => steak1 & steak2 & pasta1 & pasta2 & pasta3 & \ pizza1 & pizza2 & pizza3 & pizza4 steak1 => ice_cream1 steak2 => cheesecake1 pasta1 => ice_cream2 pasta2 => sticky_toffee1 pasta3 => cheesecake2 pizza1 => ice_cream3 pizza2 => ice_cream4 pizza3 => sticky_toffee2 pizza4 => ice_cream5 """ [runtime] [[open_restaurant]] [[MAINS]] [[DESSERT]] [[steak1,steak2,pasta1,pasta2,pasta3,pizza1,pizza2,pizza3,pizza4]] inherit = MAINS [[ice_cream1,ice_cream2,ice_cream3,ice_cream4,ice_cream5]] inherit = DESSERT [[cheesecake1,cheesecake2,sticky_toffee1,sticky_toffee2]] inherit = DESSERT .. note:: In graph sections, lines can be split on ``&``, i.e. the following two examples are equivalent: .. code-block:: cylc-graph foo => bar & baz .. code-block:: cylc-graph foo => bar & baz ``|`` (or), and ``=>`` act in the same way. Validate, install and play the workflow:: cylc validate . cylc install --run-name without-queues Look at the workflow with :ref:`tutorial.gui` or :ref:`tutorial.tui` Play the workflow, either from the GUI or the command line:: cylc play queues-tutorial/without-queues You will see that all the ``steak``, ``pasta``, and ``pizza`` tasks are run at once, swiftly followed by all the ``ice_cream``, ``cheesecake``, ``sticky_toffee`` tasks as the customers order from the dessert menu. This will overwhelm our restaurant staff! The chef responsible for ``MAINS`` can only handle 3 tasks at any given time, and the ``DESSERT`` chef can only handle 2. We need to add some queues. Add a ``[queues]`` section to the ``[scheduling]`` section like so: .. code-block:: cylc [scheduling] [[queues]] [[[mains_chef_queue]]] limit = 3 # Only 3 mains dishes at one time. members = MAINS [[[dessert_chef_queue]]] limit = 2 # Only 2 dessert dishes at one time. members = DESSERT Install and play the workflow:: cylc validate . cylc install --run-name tutorial-with-queues Play the workflow using the :ref:`GUI ` or :ref:`TUI `. You should see that there are now never more than 3 active ``MAINS`` tasks running and never more than 2 active ``DESSERT`` tasks running. The customers will obviously have to wait! Further Reading --------------- For more information, see the `Cylc User Guide`_.