News and Events

Cylc 8.0.0 Released (29 July 2022)

After ~3.5 years of planning and development, Cylc has been re-engineered from top to bottom for Python 3 and modern web technologies. Cylc 8 is now ready for action!

CylcCon 2020

Held at NIWA in Wellington, New Zealand (February 10-14) CylcCon 2020 was focused on assessing progress to date on Cylc 8, and charting the path to completion. Delegates attended from NIWA (NZ), Met Office (UK), BOM (Australia), and NRL (US).

CylcCon 2020 Final Report

Group Photo

Outside NIWA on Evans Bay in Wellington harbour.

Conference Dinner

At Fork and Brewer in Wellington.

SC19 Denver 2019

Cylc User Group Featuring the Altair Weather Solution

SC19 Exhibition Hall

Hilary Oliver presenting at the Altair Booth

CylcCon 2018/9

Held at BOM in Melbourne, Australia (December 2018) CylcCon 2019 was focused on finalizing plans for Cylc 8: Python 3, and a web UI and associated architecture. Delegates came from NIWA (NZ), Met Office (UK), BOM (Australia), and Altair (India/USA).

Dec 2018 Cylc Workshop Report

A few of the attendees

(We forgot to take a group photo!)

SC18 Dallas 2018

2018 Cylc Weather User Group (Altair Flyer, PDF)