Source code for cylc.flow.exceptions

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# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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"""Exceptions for "expected" errors."""

from textwrap import wrap
from typing import (

from cylc.flow import __version__ as CYLC_VERSION
from cylc.flow.util import format_cmd

    from cylc.flow.subprocctx import SubFuncContext

[docs] class CylcError(Exception): """Generic exception for Cylc errors. This exception is raised in-place of "expected" errors where a short message to the user is more appropriate than traceback. CLI commands will catch this exception and exit with str(exception). """
[docs] class PluginError(CylcError): """Represents an error arising from a Cylc plugin. Args: entry_point: The plugin entry point as defined in setup.cfg (e.g. 'cylc.main_loop') plugin_name: Name of the plugin exc: Original exception caught when trying to run the plugin """ def __init__(self, entry_point: str, plugin_name: str, exc: Exception): self.entry_point = entry_point self.plugin_name = plugin_name self.exc = exc def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"Error in plugin {self.entry_point}.{self.plugin_name}\n" f"{type(self.exc).__name__}: {self.exc}" )
[docs] class InputError(CylcError): """Exception covering erroneous user input to a Cylc interface. Ideally this would be handled in the interface (e.g. argument parser). If this isn't possible raise InputError. """
[docs] class CylcConfigError(CylcError): """Generic exception to handle an error in a Cylc configuration file."""
# TODO: reference the configuration element causing the problem
[docs] class WorkflowConfigError(CylcConfigError): """Exception for configuration errors in a Cylc workflow configuration."""
[docs] class GlobalConfigError(CylcConfigError): """Exception for configuration errors in a Cylc global configuration."""
[docs] class GraphParseError(WorkflowConfigError): """Exception for errors in Cylc workflow graphing."""
[docs] class TriggerExpressionError(GraphParseError): """Trigger expression syntax issue."""
[docs] class TaskProxySequenceBoundsError(CylcError): """Error on TaskProxy.__init__ with out of sequence bounds start point.""" def __init__(self, msg): CylcError.__init__( self, 'Not loading %s (out of sequence bounds)' % msg)
[docs] class ParamExpandError(WorkflowConfigError): """Exception for errors in Cylc parameter expansion."""
[docs] class WorkflowEventError(CylcError): """Exception for errors in Cylc event handlers."""
[docs] class CommandFailedError(CylcError): """Exception for when scheduler commands fail.""" def __init__(self, value: Union[str, Exception]): self.value = value def __str__(self) -> str: if isinstance(self.value, Exception): return f"{type(self.value).__name__}: {self.value}" return self.value
[docs] class ServiceFileError(CylcError): """Exception for errors related to workflow service files."""
[docs] class WorkflowFilesError(CylcError): """Exception for errors related to workflow files/directories.""" bullet = "\n -"
[docs] class ContactFileExists(CylcError): """Workflow contact file exists."""
[docs] class FileRemovalError(CylcError): """Exception for errors during deletion of files/directories, which are probably the filesystem's fault, not Cylc's.""" def __init__(self, exc: Exception) -> None: CylcError.__init__( self, f"{exc}. This is probably a temporary issue with the filesystem, " "not a problem with Cylc." )
[docs] class PlatformError(CylcError): """Error in the management of a remote platform. If the exception represents a command failure, provide either the ctx OR manually populate the remaining kwargs. Otherwise leave the kwargs blank. Args: message: Short description. platform_name: Name of the platform. ctx: SubFuncContext object if available. The other kwargs are derived from this. cmd: The remote command. ret_code: The command's return code. out: The command's stdout. err: The command's stderr. """ MSG_INIT = "initialisation did not complete" MSG_SELECT = "host selection failed" MSG_TIDY = "clean up did not complete" def __init__( self, message: str, platform_name: str, *, ctx: 'Optional[SubFuncContext]' = None, cmd: Union[str, Sequence[str], None] = None, ret_code: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[str] = None, err: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.msg = message self.platform_name = platform_name if ctx: self.cmd = ctx.cmd self.ret_code = ctx.ret_code self.out = ctx.out self.err = ctx.err else: self.cmd = cmd self.ret_code = ret_code self.out = out self.err = err # convert the cmd object to a str if needed if self.cmd and not isinstance(self.cmd, str): self.cmd = format_cmd(self.cmd) def __str__(self): # matches cylc.flow.platforms.log_platform_event format if self.platform_name: ret = f'platform: {self.platform_name} - {self.msg}' else: ret = f'{self.msg}' for label, item in [ ('COMMAND', self.cmd), ('RETURN CODE', self.ret_code), ('STDOUT', self.out), ('STDERR', self.err) ]: if item is not None: ret += f'\n{label}:' for line in str(item).splitlines(True): # keep newline chars ret += f"\n {line}" return ret
[docs] class TaskDefError(WorkflowConfigError): """Exception raise for errors in TaskDef initialization."""
[docs] class XtriggerConfigError(WorkflowConfigError): """An error in an xtrigger. For example: * If the function module was not found. * If the function was not found in the xtrigger module. * If the function is not callable. * If any string template in the function context arguments are not present in the expected template values. """ def __init__(self, label: str, func: str, message: Union[str, Exception]): self.label = label self.func = func self.message = message def __str__(self) -> str: return f'[@{self.label}] {self.func}\n{self.message}'
[docs] class ClientError(CylcError): """Base class for errors raised by Cylc client instances. For example, the workflow you are trying to connect to is stopped. Attributes: message: The exception message. traceback: The underlying exception instance if available. workflow: The workflow ID if available. """ def __init__( self, message: str, traceback: Optional[str] = None, workflow: Optional[str] = None ): self.message = message self.traceback = traceback # Workflow not included in string representation but useful bit of # info to attach to the exception object self.workflow = workflow def __str__(self) -> str: ret = self.message if self.traceback: # append server-side traceback ret += '\n' + self.traceback return ret
[docs] class RequestError(ClientError): """Represents an error handling a request, returned by the server.""" def __init__( self, message: str, workflow_cylc_version: Optional[str] = None ): ClientError.__init__( self, message, traceback=( f"(Workflow is running in Cylc {workflow_cylc_version})" if workflow_cylc_version and workflow_cylc_version != CYLC_VERSION else None ), )
[docs] class WorkflowStopped(ClientError): """The Cylc scheduler you attempted to connect to is stopped.""" def __init__(self, workflow): self.workflow = workflow def __str__(self): return f'{self.workflow} is not running'
[docs] class ClientTimeout(CylcError): """The scheduler did not respond within the timeout. This could be due to: * Network issues. * Scheduler issues. * Insufficient timeout. To increase the timeout, use the ``--comms-timeout`` option. """ def __init__(self, message: str, workflow: Optional[str] = None): self.message = message self.workflow = workflow def __str__(self) -> str: return self.message
[docs] class CyclingError(CylcError): """Base class for errors in cycling configuration."""
[docs] class CyclerTypeError(CyclingError): """An error raised when incompatible cycling types are wrongly mixed.""" def __init__(self, *args): CyclingError.__init__( self, 'Incompatible cycling types: {0} ({1}), {2} ({3})'.format(*args))
[docs] class PointParsingError(CyclingError): """An error raised when a point has an incorrect value.""" def __init__(self, *args): CyclingError.__init__( self, 'Incompatible value for {0}: {1}: {2}'.format(*args))
[docs] class IntervalParsingError(CyclingError): """An error raised when an interval has an incorrect value.""" def __init__(self, *args): CyclingError.__init__( self, 'Incompatible value for {0}: {1}'.format(*args))
[docs] class SequenceParsingError(CyclingError): """Error on parsing an invalid sequence."""
[docs] class SequenceDegenerateError(CyclingError): """An error raised when adjacent points on a sequence are equal.""" def __init__(self, *args): CyclingError.__init__( self, ( '{0}, point format {1}: equal adjacent points:' ' {2} => {3}.' ).format(*args))
[docs] class CylcTimeSyntaxError(CyclingError): """An error denoting invalid ISO/Cylc input syntax."""
[docs] class CylcMissingContextPointError(CyclingError): """An error denoting a missing (but required) context cycle point."""
[docs] class CylcMissingFinalCyclePointError(CyclingError): """An error denoting a missing (but required) final cycle point."""
[docs] class PlatformLookupError(CylcConfigError): """Unable to determine the correct job platform from the information given"""
[docs] class HostSelectException(CylcError): """No hosts could be selected from the provided configuration.""" def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, dict]): = data def __str__(self) -> str: ret = 'Could not select host from:' for host, data in sorted( if host != 'ranking': ret += f'\n {host}:' for key, value in data.items(): ret += f'\n {key}: {value}' hint = self.get_hint() if hint: ret += f'\n\n{hint}' return ret
[docs] def get_hint(self): """Return a hint to explain this error for certain cases.""" if all( # all procs came back with special SSH error code 255 datum.get('returncode') == 255 for key, datum in if key != 'ranking' ): # likely SSH issues return ( 'Cylc could not establish SSH connection to the run hosts.' '\nEnsure you can SSH to these hosts without having to' ' answer any prompts.' ) if ( # a ranking expression was used'ranking') # and all procs came back with special 'cylc psutil' error code 2 # (which is used for errors relating to the extraction of metrics) and all( datum.get('returncode') == 2 for key, datum in if key != 'ranking' ) ): # likely an issue with the ranking expression lines = wrap("ranking"), initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ', ) ranking = "\n".join(lines) return ( 'This is likely an error in the ranking expression:' f'\n{ranking}' '\n\nConfigured by:' '\n global.cylc[scheduler][run hosts]ranking' ) return None
[docs] class NoHostsError(CylcError): """None of the hosts of a given platform were reachable.""" def __init__(self, platform): self.platform_name = platform['name'] def __str__(self): return f'Unable to find valid host for {self.platform_name}'
[docs] class NoPlatformsError(PlatformLookupError): """None of the platforms of a given set were reachable. Args: identity: The name of the platform group or install target. set_type: Whether the set of platforms is a platform group or an install target. place: Where the attempt to get the platform failed. """ def __init__( self, identity: str, hosts_consumed: Set[str], set_type: str = 'group', place: str = '', ): self.identity = identity self.type = set_type self.hosts_consumed = hosts_consumed if place: = f' during {place}.' else: = '.' def __str__(self): return ( f'Unable to find a platform from {self.type} {self.identity}' f'{}' )
[docs] class CylcVersionError(CylcError): """Contact file is for a Cylc Version not supported by this script.""" def __init__(self, version=None): self.version = version def __str__(self): if self.version is not None: return ( f'Installed Cylc {self.version} workflow is not ' 'compatible with Cylc 8.' ) else: return "Installed workflow is not compatible with Cylc 8."
[docs] class InvalidCompletionExpression(CylcError): """For the [runtime][<namespace>]completion configuration. Raised when non-whitelisted syntax is present. """ def __init__(self, message, expr=None): self.message = message self.expr = expr def __str__(self): return self.message