Exceptions for “expected” errors.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.ClientError(message, traceback=None, workflow=None)[source]
Base class for errors raised by Cylc client instances.
For example, the workflow you are trying to connect to is stopped.
- message
The exception message.
- traceback
The underlying exception instance if available.
- workflow
The workflow ID if available.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.ClientTimeout(message, workflow=None)[source]
The scheduler did not respond within the timeout.
This could be due to: * Network issues. * Scheduler issues. * Insufficient timeout.
To increase the timeout, use the
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CommandFailedError(value)[source]
Exception for when scheduler commands fail.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CyclerTypeError(*args)[source]
An error raised when incompatible cycling types are wrongly mixed.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CyclingError[source]
Base class for errors in cycling configuration.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CylcConfigError[source]
Generic exception to handle an error in a Cylc configuration file.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CylcError[source]
Generic exception for Cylc errors.
This exception is raised in-place of “expected” errors where a short message to the user is more appropriate than traceback.
CLI commands will catch this exception and exit with str(exception).
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CylcMissingContextPointError[source]
An error denoting a missing (but required) context cycle point.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CylcMissingFinalCyclePointError[source]
An error denoting a missing (but required) final cycle point.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CylcTimeSyntaxError[source]
An error denoting invalid ISO/Cylc input syntax.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.CylcVersionError(version=None)[source]
Contact file is for a Cylc Version not supported by this script.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.FileRemovalError(exc)[source]
Exception for errors during deletion of files/directories, which are probably the filesystem’s fault, not Cylc’s.
- Parameters:
exc (Exception)
- Return type:
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.GlobalConfigError[source]
Exception for configuration errors in a Cylc global configuration.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.GraphParseError[source]
Exception for errors in Cylc workflow graphing.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.HostSelectException(data)[source]
No hosts could be selected from the provided configuration.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.InputError[source]
Exception covering erroneous user input to a Cylc interface.
Ideally this would be handled in the interface (e.g. argument parser). If this isn’t possible raise InputError.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.IntervalParsingError(*args)[source]
An error raised when an interval has an incorrect value.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.InvalidCompletionExpression(message, expr=None)[source]
For the [runtime][<namespace>]completion configuration.
Raised when non-whitelisted syntax is present.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.NoHostsError(platform)[source]
None of the hosts of a given platform were reachable.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.NoPlatformsError(identity, hosts_consumed, set_type='group', place='')[source]
None of the platforms of a given set were reachable.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.ParamExpandError[source]
Exception for errors in Cylc parameter expansion.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.PlatformError(message, platform_name, *, ctx=None, cmd=None, ret_code=None, out=None, err=None)[source]
Error in the management of a remote platform.
If the exception represents a command failure, provide either the ctx OR manually populate the remaining kwargs. Otherwise leave the kwargs blank.
- Parameters:
message (str) – Short description.
platform_name (str) – Name of the platform.
ctx (Optional[SubFuncContext]) – SubFuncContext object if available. The other kwargs are derived from this.
ret_code (int | None) – The command’s return code.
out (str | None) – The command’s stdout.
err (str | None) – The command’s stderr.
- Return type:
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.PlatformLookupError[source]
Unable to determine the correct job platform from the information given
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.PluginError(entry_point, plugin_name, exc)[source]
Represents an error arising from a Cylc plugin.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.PointParsingError(*args)[source]
An error raised when a point has an incorrect value.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.RequestError(message, workflow_cylc_version=None)[source]
Represents an error handling a request, returned by the server.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.SequenceDegenerateError(*args)[source]
An error raised when adjacent points on a sequence are equal.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.ServiceFileError[source]
Exception for errors related to workflow service files.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.TaskDefError[source]
Exception raise for errors in TaskDef initialization.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.TaskProxySequenceBoundsError(msg)[source]
Error on TaskProxy.__init__ with out of sequence bounds start point.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.WorkflowConfigError[source]
Exception for configuration errors in a Cylc workflow configuration.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.WorkflowEventError[source]
Exception for errors in Cylc event handlers.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.WorkflowFilesError[source]
Exception for errors related to workflow files/directories.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.WorkflowStopped(workflow)[source]
The Cylc scheduler you attempted to connect to is stopped.
- exception cylc.flow.exceptions.XtriggerConfigError(label, func, message)[source]
An error in an xtrigger.
For example:
If the function module was not found.
If the function was not found in the xtrigger module.
If the function is not callable.
If any string template in the function context arguments are not present in the expected template values.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.FileParseError(reason, index=None, line=None, lines=None, err_type=None, fpath=None, help_lines=None)[source]
Error raised when attempting to read in the config file(s).
- Parameters:
reason (str) – Description of error.
err_type (str | None) – Classification of error (e.g. Jinja2Error).
help_lines (Iterable[str] | None) – Additional info to include in the exception.
lines (Dict[str, List[str]] | None) – (preferred) Dictionary in the format {filename: [context_line, …, error_line]}
index (int | None) – The line number of the error in the config (counting from the shebang line not the first line).
line (str | None) – The line of the error in the config.
fpath (str | None) – The path to the file containing the error.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.IllegalItemError(keys, key, msg=None, exc=None)[source]
Bad setting section or option name.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.IllegalValueError(vtype, keys, value, exc=None, msg=None)[source]
Bad setting value.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.IncludeFileNotFoundError(flist)[source]
Error raised for missing include files.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.InvalidConfigError(item, specname)[source]
Error raised for missing configuration items.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.ItemNotFoundError(item)[source]
Error raised for missing configuration items.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.Jinja2Error(exception, lines=None, filename=None)[source]
Wrapper class for Jinja2 exceptions.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.ListValueError(keys, value, msg=None, exc=None)[source]
Bad setting value, for a comma separated list.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.NotSingleItemError(item)[source]
Error raised if an iterable is given where an item is expected.
- exception cylc.flow.parsec.exceptions.TemplateVarLanguageClash(reason, index=None, line=None, lines=None, err_type=None, fpath=None, help_lines=None)[source]
Multiple workflow configuration templating engines configured.