Cylc VC 22 May 2019 Agenda
Kickoff (5 min)
- repositories renamed
- now have Issue and Pull Request templates to help with general development
and reduce reliance on Hilary at release time
- over-all progress - are we on track?
- is our speed and concurrency of development OK? (Do we need to slow down a
bit to enable more involvement in more components from more people?)
- Discourse: are we ready to do it?
Review Previous Meeting Notes and Actions (5 min)
Site Updates or News? (5 min)
- Met Office?
- (note summary email from Matt to Hilary)
- BOM?
7.8 maintenance (2 min)
- 7.8.2 released 3 weeks ago
- any new issues noted?
- any need for 7.8.3 any time soon?
cylc-8 cylc-flow packaging (5 min)
- pip packaging is DONE!
- global config file location (in
?) still somewhat controversial?
- we lost a few things that may need to be restored
- (conda etc. TBD but low priority for now?)
- (other components?)
cylc-8 Hub (10 min)
- status update from Martin
- ssh spawner, BatchSpawner?
- any remaining concerns about JupyterHub delivering what we need?
- what exactly remains to be done here?
- how can we speed up completion? (Do others need to get involved more?)
cylc-8 WS, UIS, UI (20 min)
Orthogonal work (2 min)
Probably little progress, and Matt is away
- Rose Python 3
- “rose suite-run” migration?
- cluster awareness
- other?
End (5 min)
- anything else?
- next meeting date