15.3. Gcylc GUI (cylc gui) Config File Reference

This section defines all legal items and values for the gcylc user config file, which should be located in $HOME/.cylc/gcylc.rc. Current settings can be printed with the cylc get-gui-config command.

15.3.1. Top Level Items dot icon size

Set the size of the task state dot icons displayed in the text and dot views.

  • type: string
  • legal values: small (10px), medium (14px), large (20px), extra large (30px)
  • default: medium initial side-by-side views

Set the suite view panels initial orientation when the GUI starts. This can be changed later using the “View” menu “Toggle views side-by-side” option.

  • type: boolean (False or True)
  • default: False initial views

Set the suite view panel(s) displayed initially, when the GUI starts. This can be changed later using the tool bar.

  • type: string (a list of one or two view names)
  • legal values: text, dot, graph
  • default: text
  • example: initial views = graph, dot maximum update interval

Set the maximum (longest) time interval between calls to the suite for data update.

The update frequency of the GUI is variable. It is determined by considering the time of last update and the mean duration of the last 10 main loops of the suite.

In general, the GUI will use an update frequency that matches the mean duration of the suite’s main loop. In quiet time (or if the suite is not contactable), it will gradually increase the update interval (i.e. reduce the update frequency) to a maximum determined by this setting.

Increasing this setting will reduce the network traffic and hits on the suite process. However, if a quiet suite starts to pick up activity, the GUI may initially appear out of sync with what is happening in the suite for the duration of this interval.

  • type: ISO 8601 duration/interval representation (e.g. PT10S, 10 seconds, or PT1M, 1 minute).
  • default: PT15S sort by definition order

If this is not turned off the default sort order for task names and families in the dot and text views will the order they appear in the suite definition. Clicking on the task name column in the treeview will toggle to alphanumeric sort, and a View menu item does the same for the dot view. If turned off, the default sort order is alphanumeric and definition order is not available at all.

  • type: boolean
  • default: True sort column

If text is in initial views then sort column sets the column that will be sorted initially when the GUI launches. Sorting can be changed later by clicking on the column headers.

  • type: string
  • legal values: task, state, host, job system, job ID, T-submit, T-start, T-finish, dT-mean, latest message, none
  • default: none
  • example: sort column = T-start sort column ascending

For use in combination with sort column, sets whether the column will be sorted using ascending or descending order.

  • type: boolean
  • default: True
  • example: sort column ascending = False sub-graphs on

Set the sub-graphs view to be enabled by default. This can be changed later using the toggle options for the graph view.

  • type: boolean (False or True)
  • default: False task filter highlight color

The color used to highlight active task filters in gcylc. It must be a name from the X11 rgb.txt file, e.g. SteelBlue; or a quoted hexadecimal color code, e.g. "#ff0000" for red (quotes are required to prevent the hex code being interpreted as a comment).

  • type: string
  • default: PowderBlue task states to filter out

Set the initial filtering options when the GUI starts. Later this can be changed by using the “View” menu “Task Filtering” option.

  • type: string list
  • legal values: waiting, held, queued, ready, expired, submitted, submit-failed, submit-retrying, running, succeeded, failed, retrying, runahead
  • default: runahead transpose dot

Transposes the content in dot view so that it displays from left to right rather than from top to bottom. Can be changed later using the options submenu available via the view menu.

  • type: boolean
  • default: False
  • example: transpose dot = True transpose graph

Transposes the content in graph view so that it displays from left to right rather than from top to bottom. Can be changed later using the options submenu via the view menu.

  • type: boolean
  • default: False
  • example: transpose graph = True ungrouped views

List suite views, if any, that should be displayed initially in an ungrouped state. Namespace family grouping can be changed later using the tool bar.

  • type: string (a list of zero or more view names)
  • legal values: text, dot, graph
  • default: (none)
  • example: ungrouped views = text, dot use theme

Set the task state color theme, common to all views, to use initially. The color theme can be changed later using the tool bar. See etc/gcylc.rc.eg and etc/gcylc-themes.rc in the Cylc installation directory for how to modify existing themes or define your own. Use cylc get-gui-config to list available themes.

  • type: string (theme name)
  • legal values: default, solid, high-contrast, color-blind, and any custom or user-modified themes.
  • default: default window size

Sets the size (in pixels) of the cylc GUI at startup.

  • type: integer list: x, y
  • legal values: positive integers
  • default: 800, 500
  • example: window size = 1000, 700

15.3.2. [themes]

This section may contain task state color theme definitions. [themes] -> [[THEME]]

The name of the task state color-theme to be defined in this section.

  • type: string [themes] -> [[THEME]] -> inherit

You can inherit from another theme in order to avoid defining all states.

  • type: string (parent theme name)
  • default: default [themes] -> [[THEME]] -> defaults

Set default icon attributes for all state icons in this theme.

  • type: string list (icon attributes)
  • legal values: "color=COLOR", "style=STYLE", "fontcolor=FONTCOLOR"
  • default: (none)

For the attribute values, COLOR and FONTCOLOR can be color names from the X11 rgb.txt file, e.g. SteelBlue; or hexadecimal color codes, e.g. #ff0000 for red; and STYLE can be filled or unfilled. See etc/gcylc.rc.eg and etc/gcylc-themes.rc in the Cylc installation directory for examples. [themes] -> [[THEME]] -> STATE

Set icon attributes for all task states in THEME, or for a subset of them if you have used theme inheritance and/or defaults. Legal values of STATE are any of the cylc task proxy states: waiting, runahead, held, queued, ready, submitted, submit-failed, running, succeeded, failed, retrying, submit-retrying.

  • type: string list (icon attributes)
  • legal values: "color=COLOR", "style=STYLE", "fontcolor=FONTCOLOR"
  • default: (none)

For the attribute values, COLOR and FONTCOLOR can be color names from the X11 rgb.txt file, e.g. SteelBlue; or hexadecimal color codes, e.g. #ff0000 for red; and STYLE can be filled or unfilled. See etc/gcylc.rc.eg and etc/gcylc-themes.rc in the Cylc installation directory for examples.